Hallowe’en Party

The children have been getting in the mood for Hallowe’en all week and many of them are talking about their outfits. Remember tomorrow is Hallowe’en party day so we hope you are looking forward to lots of fun and games. Fancy dress is optional. We are looking forward to seeing all these witches and skeletons we have been hearing about all week.

Musical Moments

We hope that everyone is enjoying their holidays and thought that you might enjoy a little reminder of Nursery life. Last term, as a group time activity, the children learned to play a range of musical instruments and they have continued this experience into their play as they are becoming increasingly confident to play in a little band and perform to friends. Here you can see some of the Sunshine children making music.

Harvest Celebration

Thank you to Rev. McGougan and to all afternoon family and friends who attended our little Harvest celebration today. Those well deserved cheers and smiles meant a lot to the children who performed so well to a large audience. They certainly showed themselves to be those ‘confident individuals’ and ‘effective contributors’ that we want them to become.We are sure that you felt as proud of them as we did. Thank you also for your generous donations which will be much appreciated by local charities.

Harvest Celebration

Rev. McGougan is looking forward to joining us for our Harvest celebration this week. Please remember that our morning celebration is on Thursday 2nd October at 11.30 and Rev. McGougan will join the afternoon children and their families on Friday 3rd October at 2.40. This is an informal gathering in the Nursery and all family members are welcome. As you can see, the children have been learning two new songs and are looking forward to performing them to their families. We look forward to seeing lots of you there.

Outdoor Learning

Outdoor play continues to be very popular, particularly with the wonderful September weather we have been getting. Some of the children managed to work out how to make their own see-saw and everyone seemed to want a turn. Others enjoyed “buying” their snack at the outdoor shop which was selling cups of water and different types of fruit. Some children simply enjoyed sitting in the willow tunnel for a chat. As you can see, they all look happy and busy in their learning.
Click on the photos for a clearer view.

Great Fun

Henley’s Mum has been looking at some of our photos outdoors:

“Looks like Henley is having great fun.”

It’s true that the children all seem to love outdoor play. We have been lucky with the weather lately but the children enjoy outdoors in the sunshine, wind or rain and no doubt they will love snow too when it comes.

Outdoor Play

The children are now becoming more confident to access outdoor play as well as indoor activities. They are building relationships and developing good teamwork skills as they investigate the climbing frame, the mud kitchen and all the different opportunities that the garden provides. As the weather has got a little cooler, the children are now wearing waterproof suits for outdoor play so their own clothes should hopefully stay clean.

First Days

We hope that you all enjoyed your first few days in Nursery and are looking forward to attending for a full session this week.
However, if your child takes a little while to feel comfortable, please allow him/her time to take things at their pace: we, as adults, cope with change in different ways and at different rates and children are exactly the same. If you have any concerns about your child, please speak to staff who can offer you advice based on their experiences.
Here are a few more photos of the children getting to know their new environment.

Settling In

We hope that everyone is beginning to settle in to Nursery life. We have certainly had a great time getting to know all our new children and their families and are delighted with the way in which the children have settled. It has been lovely to see all the familiar faces from last year too.
We thought you would like to see a few photos of the children at play. Once we have blog permission slips returned, we will able to share more photos here. We hope that you will find this a valuable insight into the life of our Nursery and that you use the blog to add comments about your child’s experience. Simply click on the word “comments” under the title of this post if you wish to leave your comments. Please be aware that these will not appear immediately, as they are monitored by the administrator before publication, but you should see your comment within a day or two.
Thank you to all our parents for working with us to ensure a smooth and happy start for the children.
Click and click again to make the photos bigger.

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