Party Time

Music, dancing, games and party food made for a fun Christmas party last week in Nursery. The children from the Rainbow and Sunshine Rooms played happily and confidently together and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. It must have been the children’s super behaviour that brought the arrival of Santa despite his heavy workload at the moment. Thank you Santa – we all really appreciated your visit.

The photos below give you a taste of our morning party. Don’t they look wonderful in their party clothes? Photos of the afternoon party will follow soon.

Christmas Celebration

We hope that you are all looking forward to our Christmas celebration later this week. Afternoon parents can join us on Wednesday (17.12.14) at 2.30 and morning parents on Thursday (18.12.14) at 11.30. The Nursery door will be opened for entry through the usual entrance and parents/carers can park in the John Bell car park.
We are keeping our Christmas celebration informal to encourage the children to enjoy a relaxed and happy performance of the songs they have been learning. Rev. McGougan has kindly agreed to join us again, despite a jam-packed diary, and we are delighted that many of our families have indicated that they would like to be part of our celebration. As you can see, the children are practising to make sure you enjoy their songs. We look forward to seeing you later this week.

Sticky Kids Christmas Show

Great fun and laughter was had by all at the “Sticky Kids” show this week. It was lovely to join children from other local nurseries in a super Christmas celebration of singing and dancing. As you can see, several of our children showed great confidence to go on stage as part of the show and everyone sang enthusiastically along with all the songs. Thank you to all those families who contributed to the children’s calendar enterprise project which paid for this show. We really appreciate your support and the children all had a brilliant time.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Reindeer Sandwiches

Thanks must go again to Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, for providing super Christmas activities for children and their families to enjoy together. There were reindeer sandwiches, Christmas cards and decorations on the go in the Family Room and they all looked like good fun. It’s lovely to see so many families participating, despite everyone being so busy at this time of year, and we really appreciate Eileen offering so many sessions. Even Steve the Star from the Sunshine Room made an appearance and seemed to be very interested in everything. We are already discussing the next Family Learning activity so watch this space early next term.
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Welcome To Nursery

In January lots of new children will be joining our Nursery and we are looking forward to getting to know them and their families. A few children visited today to get a taste of what Nursery is like and they seemed to enjoy the experience. We are looking forward to meeting more of you over the next week and hope that you all enjoy your visits. It won’t be long until you are coming to play every day.

The Garden Band

Whatever the weather, the children love outdoor play and enjoy the opportunity to experiment and learn in so many different ways. On the particular day last week when we captured these photos, they had great fun singing and playing in a band in the garden. As well as using the musical instruments, they managed to make music by being creative with all sorts of materials that they found outdoors.

Joe’s Dad Is A Star

The children recently met Stan the Star (Rainbow Room) and Steve the Star (Sunshine Room), a little bear and a monkey who go home with the children for a visit. This activity supports listening and talking skills, as they talk to the other children about what they have done at home with their visitor, while it also provides an opportunity for the children to learn to ask questions.
Stan the Star’s first visit was to Joe’s family who have certainly given him a wonderful holiday. He also brought a lovely surprise back with him as Joe’s Dad had made fantastic key-rings for the children to keep as a memento of their time with Stan or Steve. We cannot thank him enough for taking considerable time and effort to make these cute little key-rings and we are sure that everyone will treasure them so thank you Joe’s Dad – we think that you are a star too, thinking of everyone.

More Hallowe’en Fun

As promised, here is a selection of photos from the afternoon Hallowe’en party. As you can see, their outfits were just as impressive as those in the morning and the face painting that some of the children had was fantastic. Thank you to everyone who helped all the children look so good.

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Hallowe’en Fun

Our Hallowe’en parties seemed to go down a treat last week with everyone. We dooked for apples, caught marshmallows with our teeth, played lots of games and enjoyed party food together. Thanks to everyone for dressing the children in their super outfits which added to the fun. We hope you can get a flavour of the morning party from our photos. We will do our best to get the afternoon ones posted soon.
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