Hello From Miss Kerr

Your kind messages and pictures have helped to make Miss Kerr feel a lot better so well done everyone. She has sent you this lovely message and hopefully she will see you all again soon.

Hello boys and girls , Miss Kerr is feeling a lot better after hearing from you all. Mrs Kirkpatrick brought all the pictures you kindly made for me and I have put them in a special place, and show them off to my visitors I am missing you all very much and looking forward to coming back soon . Lots of love Miss Kerr xx

Photo Comments

The children seem to have enjoyed our learning about Scotland this term and we hope that you’ve had a good flavour of our activities through the blog as well as our displays. Two families have made recent comments on the children’s photos which we’d like to share with you:

“Shay looks great dressed like a piper.”
He did look wonderful and he did so well telling the children in both Nursery rooms all about his outfit. Thank you Shay.

“Great picture of Ollie painting his tartan. He has really enjoyed the Scottish theme over the past few weeks”.
Ollie certainly does seem to have enjoyed this theme. He was particularly good at talking about the different foods and remembering their Scottish names. Well done Ollie.

Proud Parents

Everyone was so proud of the children at their Burn’s celebrations. As well as singing beautifully, they all looked fantastic in their ‘touch o’ tartan’. Thank you to those who have left comments on their photos. We really appreciate it.

Ollie’s Dad said:
“What a great photo. Was so excited to hear Ollie introduce his songs to all the mums and dads, a changed boy as he wouldn’t have done that when he first started nursery. Keep up the good work- you are all helping make Ollie the lovely little boy he is. Thanks.”
Ollie did so well and we were all proud of him too. It’s not easy to speak in front of 50 Nursery morning children but to do it for their families too is a real achievement. What’s more, he went on to introduce our songs the next day to the whole school so well done Ollie.

Corey’s Mum commented on two photos:
“Lovely photo of you Corey with some of your friends but next time say cheese looking at the camera lol”
“Gorgeous photo Corey you look good in your plaid”

It is lovely to see them all looking so grown-up in their tartan. Corey seemed to enjoy taking part in our celebrations and did well.

We Like Your Comments

Thanks to Corey and Danny’s families for their recent comments.

Corey’s Mum commented on the recent performance of our Scottish songs:
“Absolutely brilliant singing Corey and all your friends you were so clear you all must have practiced so hard good boy for wearing your plaid you all looked brilliant in your tartan”.

Danny liked the photo of him with the fiddle:
“i love my photo i enjoyed the fiddle”.

We’ve certainly had some great times lately learning about Scotland.

Corey and his Mum enjoy our blog at home

Corey and his Mum have been looking at our blog and have left us some comments.

“Brilliant picture Corey it looks great on mummy’s cupboard with all the rest”.

“I like seeing my photos of me at nursery at home it’s cool and all my friends too my favourite thing is playing hide an seek with everyone”.

I’m glad you like looking at our photos at home Corey and that you like seeing everyone from Nursery. I’ve noticed that you enjoy hide and seek both indoors and out in the garden. I hope that you keep having fun every day.

Happy Days

Ollie and his family have commented that they are happy to be back in Nursery:

“Ollie had a great time at nursery in the lead up to Christmas. He enjoyed his break but we are all happy to return to ”normality’. He was excited to return to nursery today and is full of stories. Due to sickness I was unable to join in in a nursery session so hopefully I will manage one this term. Keep up the good work everyone. Love ollie, Wendy and Stuart hamilton”

We look forward to you coming in to play one day and hope that lots of families continue to join in a session with us. We have a new sheet up in the cloakroom areas of each room so why not add your name to come and play one day (or more) this term?

Cooking is Fun!

We like Finlay’s Mum’s comment on the photo of him tasting the cake mixture:
“Finlay was making sure the cakes are going to taste good.Yummy!”

We are also excited to hear about Ollie’s plans for baking tonight:
“Ollie is baking shortbread tonight for all the lucky nursery teachers. He had so much fun this term at nursery,especially in the run up to Christmas. If his shortbread doesn’t work out then we have a box of sweeties on standby.
Thanks again. X”

Thank you Ollie for such a lovely thought. We’ll look forward to tasting your shortbread tomorrow. Have lots of fun making it!

Merry Christmas

Eileen has left a message for everyone who has enjoyed the Family Learning activities this term.

“Thanks to everyone who came to Christmas crafts. Hope you all have a merry Christmas and I look forward to seeing you all in 2013. I will be in touch towards the end of January with information about a growing families project.”

Thanks to you Eileen for making all our families so welcome. We are looking forward to the growing project in the new year.

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