Madison Enjoyed the Sack Race

We’re glad to hear that Madison and her Mum enjoyed Friday’s fun activities:

“madison loved it today, the cold didnt dampen there spirits. she enjoyed the sack race best, and loved showing everyone her madal, all the kids done brill x”

We agree that the children were brilliant. I wonder which activity other people liked best?

Ollie’s Allotment

Further to a recent comment about Ollie’s allotment, his family have sent us a reply telling us what he grows there:

“We grow lots of things at our allotment, potatoes, onions, leeks, onions and lots more. Just let us know when you would like to visit. A Thursday and Friday are good for us.
On another note- it was very exciting to come home from work yesterday and hear all about safety with electric. Ollie totally understood all the reasons for being safe when around electric. Well done nursery staff- great work with little children as usual.”

Ollie’s allotment sounds like a brilliant place to visit especially with us having our own growing project in the Nursery garden. Hopefully we will be able to arrange a visit soon – our diary is at the ready and we will speak to Ollie’s Mum or Dad about it soon.
We’re glad that our learning about safety around electricity has also been successful. The children were very interested in this topic and we hope that this should show in their everyday lives.

Thank You

Thank you to Bethany’s grandparents for their lovely comment on Noah’s visit to Nursery:

“Great to keep up the contact and see a school that encourages partnership with the local community. Everyone was smiling and having fun in a real world learning context. Thank-you for all your hard work and effort that is noticed, and makes Hecklegirth a welcoming place to visit.”

It’s certainly true that we do have fun in our learning and all family members are very welcome to come and join in our play if they would like. Thank you for taking the time to visit our blog from afar and for leaving such a kind comment.

Well Done Ollie!

Ollie’s family has left a comment on his photo:

“Ollie was super excited with his certificate this week. He has also been enjoying looking after his courgette whilst growing at home. He would love to show some of the children our allotment when the weather gets a bit better.”

Well done Ollie. You really deserved that certificate with your super knowledge of the body. We like the sound of a visit to your allotment. I wonder what you grow there?

Message from Noah

Noah and his Mummy have left all the morning boys and girls a lovely message:

“Noah really enjoyed his morning with the nursery children. All the children were very gentle and kind and really made him smile! We are glad we could help you learn a bit more about looking after babies!”

Well done everyone. You must have made Noah and his Mummy feel very welcome in Nursery.

Madison the Gardener

It sounds like Madison is turning into quite a little gardener. Her Mummy left a comment about the photo with her courgette plant saying,

“maddy had fun looking after this, and took great care of it, we hope the strawberries we have planted at home will grow just as well.x”

Well done Madison – we were very impressed with your courgette plant. Fingers crossed for the strawberries!

Road Safety Stars

Last week’s focus on road safety produced two other Star Award winners. They showed very good understanding of the rules of road safety and why we need to follow them so are now the proud owners of a certificate.
Finlay’s family commented on how pleased they are with his achievement:
“Well done Finlay, Mummy and Daddy are very proud of you for good listening on road safety. Keep up the good work.”
We hope that our latest award winners are equally proud.

Bring Your Courgettes and Peas to Plant

Eileen’s left a comment for everyone who has been part of the growing project:
“I would also like to thank the parents who have volunteered to help with this project. It was good to see the sun yesterday but I was quite pleased to see the rain today – we didn’t water the seeds yesterday. If any of you have courgettes or peas from before the Easter holiday please bring them back to me as we will be planting them in the beds.”

Finlay’s Mum also commented on our seed planting photos:
“Finlay said he really enjoyed planting seeds with Eileen, Finlay is growing vegetables at home too and is very keen to water them and look after them, all the children look as though they are having fun!”

The children certainly seem excited about their seeds. Let’s hope that our planting lives up to expectations as some of them have already been talking about using their vegetables for part of snack.

Hello Georgia

How lovely it was to hear from former pupil Georgia. She left a comment on one of our photos saying,


We’re glad you’re still able to see what going on in Nursery through the blog and it’s nice to hear that you have good memories of your time with us. It would be great if more of our former pupils got in touch. Thank you Georgia for your kind comment – it was lovely to hear from you. Hope school’s going well.

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