Tired But Happy!

Harli’s Mum made a photo comment on one of our trip photos:

“What a brilliant pic! Harli really enjoyed herself and was very tired on monday night after all the running about at Farmers Den!”

They do look very happy in that picture, don’t they? It’s not surprising that she was tired after her day out – what a lot of running about they all did.

Playground Fun

Primary 6 are delighted that the Nursery children and their parents are pleased with their buddying skills. Harli’s Mum has added a comment which will please Chloe:

“It makes us very happy as parents to know theres an extra friendly face looking out for Harli as she starts “big school”, she’s already been watching out to see if she can spot Chloe in the playground in the morning and has taken great pride in telling friends and family about her buddy.”

Today art aprons went up to Primary 6 with the children so you could ask them at home what they were doing. We thought it was about time we put up a few more photos of the children with their buddies so here are some from one of their visits to the playground.

Thank You Buddies

We have had two more photo comments about our buddy activities. One is from Finlay’s Mum:

“I would just like to say thank you to Finlay’s Buddy Lauren, Finlay is extremely happy that you are his buddy and I think it is a great idea for Nursery children/parents to meet their buddies before moving into P1. Well done to all P6 for taking on this role, I am sure you will all do a brilliant job.”

Zak, one of our Primary 6 buddies, has also added a lovely comment:

“Me and my cute buddy Abbi we have had great fun with each other throughout the activities that have been prepared by my wonderful teacher Mrs Johnson. :-)”

Thank you everyone for all your feedback and keep up the good work Primary 6.

We Love Mud Pies

Our mud pie photos have brought a smile to everyone’s faces. Ollie’s Dad commented:

“Wow that looks amazing. Brings back many memories. Simple things……”

Imogen’s Mum seems to agree:

“Great outdoor activity! Looks like lots of fun.”

It certainly was fun and, as you can see, the children were engrossed with their mud pies for a long time.


Kyle’s Mum has made a comment on one of our photos:

“Kyle is enjoying having a buddy he likes to go up to p6 and doing activities with noah. I think having a buddy will help kyle to move into p1 more easier.”

We’re glad that Kyle’s having fun. No doubt his buddy will do his best to make sure that he does everything he can to help Kyle settle into Primary 1.

Primary 6 Comments

Some of Primary 6 have been enjoying looking at our blog again.

Ashley said, “WOW even if I am not in a picture yet this blog is amazing! I have looked at all the pictures and they are spectacular. I just want to say thank you for putting these great photos on!”

Taylor commented on our photos saying,
“I had a great day, spending time with my two cute buddies Danny and Calise.:)”
“Me covering for Nathan with his Buddie Mishca! I had a great time.”

We’re glad that you’re enjoying looking at our blog and well done for making comments. Hopefully we will have more photos to put up soon.

Thank You

Thank you to Taylor from Primary 6 who has also left a comment on our blog:

“I had a really great time spending my first time with my buddies, I hope that the nursery pupils did too! and they behaved so perfectly.”

The Nursery children had a wonderful time with you all. You had planned your activities well with the children in mind and worked so hard to make sure that they had fun. Well done to all the Primary 6 buddies – you are stars!

Buddy Comment

Ruby, one of our Primary 6 buddies, has posted a lovely comment for Nursery children:

“I would just like to say a huge Well Done to all of the Hecklegirth Nursery Pupils they all behaved extremely well and a Big thank you to Mrs Johnston for helping us prepare all of the activities they did. Well done!”

Thank you Ruby. We are looking forward to seeing all you super buddies again soon.

Update On Your Potatoes

Ollie’s family has left a comment for you all to keep you up to date with their allotment and the potatoes you planted.

“We are so glad that you had a fun time at our allotment and enjoyed the little buns after all your hard work. We have been enjoying the sun this week but we have been having to hose our potatoes each night so although we don’t actually want rain maybe a little that’s due tonight will help our potatoes grow. Remember boys and girls if you are ever out walking near the allotment pop in and say hello if we are around.”

We did all have great fun on our visit so thank you again from everyone. Maybe some of you boys and girls might be able to show your families where we went with Ollie’s family? I do see a little rain tonight so hopefully that will help the potatoes to grow.

Police Officer Finlay

Finlay’s Mum enjoyed our recent visit to the police station:

“Thank you for letting me take part in the visit to the police station, it is always fun to help out with outings. Finlay really enjoyed the police station, Finlay said his favourite part was sitting in the police van pretending to drive. Finlay says he now wants to be a police man when he is older.”

The van was really popular wasn’t it? I hope we didn’t disturb the neighbours too much when we kept trying out the siren. Good luck Finlay with becoming a police officer – we think that you’d be very good at looking after us when you are older.

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