Garden Fun

Freya’s Mum has commented on one of our recent photos:

“Freya had a great day in the Nursery garden. Freya is really enjoying all aspects of the nursery and looks forward to going each day.”

Everyone seemed to enjoy digging up the vegetables and it was such a lovely sunny day to spend in the garden. It’s great to hear that Freya’s enjoying Nursery. Thank you for taking time to visit our blog and to make a comment.

Daphne’s Day In Nursery

Carmen’s Mum left a comment on her photo with Daphne bear:

“Carmen was very excited to be taking Daphne bear in to Nursery to see all her friends. She told me that Daphne was a good bear that day . She also told me that she would like to have another day where she could take another teddy.. Please!”

We’re glad to hear that Daphne enjoyed herself. We will keep in mind that Carmen has a few teddies she would like to bring to Nursery. I wonder if anyone else would like to do this another day?

Star Comments

Our two Star Award winners have received lovely comments from their families this week:

“We are really proud of Sophie for gaining a star award at Nursery and it really nice that her good friend Ava got one with her, FANTASTIC work girls, keep up the good manners!
Sophie is loving Hecklegirth nursery and its lovely to hear all about her morning when she get home, thanks so much to the staff for making her so welcome.”

“Well done Ava and Sophie for gaining the Star Awards, it’s lovely to hear your child is being polite and showing lovely manners towards others. Keep up the good work girls.
Ava is loving her time at Hecklegirth Nursery and is settling in well with the teachers and other children.”

Well done Sophie and Ava for making your families so proud of you. I wonder who will be Star Award winners next week?

Parents Past and Present

Today we have had comments from parents past and present. It’s lovely that Jaylin’s Mum has got back in touch with us and we hope that Jaylin is settling in well to Primary 1:

“Just looking back threw the blog, good work Jaylin she loved her time at nursery.”

As one of our new parents, Liam’s Mum has also been visiting our blog:

“Liam has loved his first 2 weeks at Hecklegirth Nursery. Looking forward to seeing him develop over the next year”

We hope that Liam continues to enjoy Nursery. Thank you for taking the time to add a comment and be part of our blog.

Confident Individuals

We hope that everyone has enjoyed their first week in Nursery. We have certainly had a great week getting to know all the new children and are delighted with the way in which they have settled. Two more parents have posted comments:

“Pleased to see the children appear to be settling well!!!!!!”

“Just to say thanks for a fantastic first week at nursery! My child has really enjoyed it and seems to be settling in well!”

Thank you to all our parents for working with us to ensure a smooth and happy start for the children. One of our aims is for the children to become ‘confident individuals’ and many are certainly showing quiet confidence already. We look forward to seeing you all again next week.

Carmen’s First Impressions

Carmen’s family has enjoyed seeing the first photos of her on the blog and has left photo comments:

“Deryn and Carmen look like there having fun x”
“Carmens first few days at nursery have been great. When I picked her up today I said how was your day at nursery today she replied it was very interesting mummy aw!!!”

Thank you for taking the time to post comments. We do appreciate it when our families participate in our blog as we want it to be something for us all to share. We love Carmen’s impression of her first few days in Nursery and hope that she continues to enjoy her experience.

First Day in Nursery and Primary 1

Sorry that we didn’t manage to get this message posted last night before school and Nursery started today but we feel sure that you will appreciate the kind comment from Ava’s Mum.

“Ava is very excited about starting Hecklegirth Nursery tomorrow! We will see you all in the morning. Good luck to Ollie and all the other boys and girls starting in Primary 1.”

We also hope that you all enjoyed your first day and look forward to seeing everyone in Nursery tomorrow.

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