
Two of our families have enjoyed our comments and photos on the nativity story:

“Some great opinions from the class.”

“Carmen and Logan look great dressed up as Mary and Joseph. She couldn’t wait to tell me. She said I had the best day ever at nursery mum I got to dress up. You made a little girl very happy. It’s the first thing she does when she comes home. She runs upstairs off with the nursery clothes and on with the princess dress or fairy dress.”

We hope that the children have developed some understanding that Christmas is not just about Santa. There have certainly shown in their play and discussions that they are aware of the nativity story.

Christmas Crafts

Carmen’s Mum enjoyed seeing her busy with Christmas crafts:

“Carmen loved making the Christmas card. She said I’ve made it for you mummy. She loves doing crafts.”

Lots of children have been particularly enjoying the craft area this week. As well as cards and decorations, some in the Rainbow Room decided to make table decorations. We hope that those families are happy with the wonderful designs the children produced from a selection of boxes, beads, tubes and, of course, lots and lots of glitter. They may not have the style of some shop bought design but they are certainly original and made with love.

Special Birthday Present

We hope that you have all enjoyed your break. Sophie and her Mum have been having a look at the blog:

“Glad you liked our cakes! :-))”

“Sophie gave hers to her Auntie for her Birthday, she loved it!” (Kandinsky painting)

We all absolutely loved your “Children In Need” cakes Sophie and we’re sure that your auntie will want to keep your painting until you’re grown-up – what a special birthday present.

Calendars For Christmas

This week seems to have brought lots of orders to the calendar factory and the children have been working like busy little Christmas elves to make them. If your order is not yet complete, it may be that we are still waiting to get a group photo that you’ve ordered as we obviously can’t take it if some children in the group are absent. Sophie must have made a good job of her order as her Mum said,

“sophie.s enjoyed making her calendars we ordered 2 so she could give one to her nana and papa for there Christmas. they are lovely and well worth the 2.50”

Well done Sophie. We hope Nana and Papa love your calendar.

Hallowe’en Comments

Two more of our parents have been enjoying the Hallowe’en photos:

“What a scary bunch you have in nursery!”

“Lovely photo of the yellow group in their outfits, everyone made a great effort and Sophie had a fantastic time. we also liked the photo in the paper of her with her winning pumpkin :-))

Thank you for taking the time to comment. There were some scary faces that day and it was great that everyone made such an effort.

Carmen’s Been Having Fun This Week

Carmen’s Mum’s been enjoying our latest photos.

“Carmen couldn’t wait to go to Nursery today. She loves dressing up so she was a very excited girl. She said she had lots of fun with her friends.”

“Ha ha I’m smiling because Carmen loves being outside and getting dirty. I must say she never told me that a digger came to Nursery. She never told me that she was outside helping. She looks like she’s had fun and looks to be enjoying helping out. I will have to ask her about it this afternoon.”

I’m not sure if Carmen was outdoors when the digger arrived because it was a surprise to us when it appeared but she worked very hard helping to move the bark and seemed to be in her element getting involved. Carmen and all the other brilliant helpers must have been very tired when they went home.

We Enjoyed Hallowe’en

Several parents have posted comments about our Hallowe’en party photos.

“Dylan looks so happy to be wearing his hat! All the kids costumes looked great,looks like they had a lot of fun”

“What great fun you all had! My child really enjoyed the party!”

“sophie.s. really enjoyed Halloween loved dressing up and really enjoyed the nursery party she also really enjoyed the disco.”

Thank you for the lovely comments. We did have lots of fun and it was great to see so many of the Nursery children at the school disco too. We think you must have all slept well that night after such an exciting day.

Pumpkin Parade

Bethany and Sophie’s families enjoyed our recent photos of the children decorating pumpkins in Nursery and it is certainly true that they worked so hard at this activity and were very creative with their ideas.

Bethany’s Mum: “They both look very busy! Super pumpkin decorators!”

Sophie’s Mum: “Lovely photos as usual, everyone seems to be concentrating hard on such a fun task!”

We were also delighted that so many Nursery families took part in the pumpkin decorating competition which was judged at our school Hallowe’en disco last night. Our children’s contributions looked fantastic and congratulations must go to Sophie from the Sunshine Room who was the winner in the Nursery category. Well done everyone who took part. We hope that those who didn’t make it to the disco will enjoy our photos showing a selection of the pumpkins Nursery children did with their families.

Letters and Numbers

Bethany’s Mum commented on our hunt round school looking for letters and numbers:

“Bethany is getting very excited about letters and numbers! Thank you for all your hard work.”

It’s great to hear that Bethany’s enjoying her learning. We are looking forward to you filling our cauldrons this week with letters and numbers that you find at home. Don’t forget to bring them in to Nursery. I wonder which you will find most of – will it be letters or numbers?

Sing A Song Of Harvest

The children certainly seemed to have enjoyed learning their harvest songs. Teigan’s Mum left us a lovely comment about her singing at home:

“teigan has been singing the song she learned from the harvest festival to me at home as I was unable to make it due to work which made me laugh, she seems to be enjoying nursery very much.”

Well done Teigan for giving your Mum her own performance.

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