Talking About Our Learning

Two of our families have commented on our recent learning about our local community.

Sophie’s Mum said, “Sophie seemed really impressed with the Firefighter visit, she’s been telling us important fire safety so she was obviously listening well!”

It was a very good visit for the children. Ian provided ‘hands on’ activities that helped them remember the important points. Well done Sophie for listening well.

Carmen’s Mum also commented: “Carmen said she enjoyed the visit to the church. I asked her what they saw. She said they went into a room it was a secret room mum?! Sounds exciting!!”

I wonder if that might have been the vestry that Carmen was thinking about? Rev. McGougan was very kind, showing the children all the different areas of the church.

Thank you for posting comments on our blog. It’s good to hear how the children talk about their experiences at home.

Thanks To Primary 6

Ava’s Mum made a lovely comment on the photo of Nursery and Primary 6 playing together:

“This is such a lovely photo, the children look so happy playing together. Ava loves the girls & boys from Primary 6 coming to play in Nursery, I hear lots of stories at home about the fun they have had. It is very reassuring to know that the older children look out for the little ones.”

It’s nice to hear that Ava’s talking about Primary 6 at home. They really are so kind and patient with our Nursery children, even giving up some of their own break to play with them. Well done Primary 6. Keep up the good work.

Well Done Everyone

Carmen’s Mum enjoyed her library visit:

“The trip to the library was lovely. I fair enjoyed my time with the children they are a lovely group. I liked listening to the children answering Tina’s questions the children were very knowledge. They were extremely well behaved. Carmen says she really likes going on the visits to meet all these different people.”

Hopefully the adults who come with us on the rest of our visits will be equally impressed with the children. Well done boys and girls.

Library Visit Is A Success

Thank you to Liam and Sophie’s Mums for their comments about our visit to the library.

Sophie L.’s Mum: “I had a fantastic time coming to the Library, its certainly true that they were all very well behaved, such a credit to the School, well done!”

Liam’s Mum: “Liam had a great time at the Library. Thats all he talked about all day”.

It’s good to hear that children and parents enjoy our visits into the community. The children’s behaviour was very good and it’s nice to hear that Nursery is a credit to the school. Well done boys and girls!

Our Restaurant

Carmen’s Mum enjoyed the recent photo in the Chinese restaurant:

“Aw wow! I love this photo of these three kids. Carmen says Lexi and Ava are her best friends. I asked her what she had in her bowl “she said broccoli mum”. She said she had to ask the boys and girls what they wanted to eat and she had to write it down. Ava took the money after they had eaten. Carmen didn’t tell me they had got dressed up that day, so I’m glad the teachers took photos or I wouldn’t have known.”

The restaurant has been a busy place over the past week with lots of good teamwork happening as the children take turns to write down orders, cook and take the money. Most seem very aware of what happens in a restaurant and have enjoyed taking part in imaginative role play.

Scottish Songs

We have another lovely comment to share after the children’s singing performance on Friday:

“We really enjoyed the Children’s singing and Thom was especially pleased to spot his big sister at the front. Well done to all the staff for teaching the pupils all the words, I bet they had the songs in their heads ALL weekend, I know I did!! ;-))”

They are very catchy tunes, it’s true. We thought the children did well to remember them because we had only been learning them for a week.

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