Thank You Buddies

It seems that our P5 and P6 buddies are doing a good job as several families have commented on the children’s photos with their buddies:

“What a lovely idea 🙂 Liam looks like he’s having great fun. Thanks to his buddy x”

“Such a lovely Idea, Sophie loves her buddy and its nice to know she is being looked after. Thanks Hope!”

“Aw love this picture of Isla and Carmen. When Carmen told me that Isla was her Buddy I was very pleased nice to have someone you know that will look after your child in P1. I think it’s a great idea. Isla and Carmen are the best of friends. Carmen says it’s like having another big sister. Carmen made a lovely picture for Isla and Isla made Carmen a lovely bracelet. It’s going to be the start of a lovely friendship.”

Hopefully there will lots more opportunities to get to know each other this term. We plan to have another visit to the playground next week too so the buddies who were away on a school trip this week should be back. Thank you for your comments – we feel sure that the buddies will be delighted with them.

Good Buddies

The children who will go to Primary 1 at Hecklegirth next year are now getting to know their buddies and good relationships are being built up. We feel sure that Jayden’s buddy will be happy to know that he must be doing a good job as Jayden’s Mum left a lovely comment:

“Jayden has been excited about his buddy and enjoys spending time with him which is lovely”

The buddies will be spending more time with the children in the weeks to come and we feel sure that they will all do a good job. Keep up the good work everyone.

Happy Days

Judging by the comments from some of our new parents, their children enjoyed their first week in Nursery:

“Mollie loved her first week at Nursery, and was raring to go this morning too!”

“Kacey really enjoyed dancing and singing on Friday she couldn’t wait to tell her family what she had been doing.”

Ayda loved meeting all new friends and teachers on her first week of Hecklegirth and has been excited every day to tell me what she’s been doing :)”

Thank you all for leaving such lovely comments. We are glad that the children have all settled so well and hope that they continue to enjoy themselves.

Sprouting Beans

Thank you to Sophie’s Mum for letting us know about her beans:

“Much excitement in our house, Sophie noticed the beans have started to sprout!!”

That was quick Sophie. You must be looking after them very well. I wonder if anyone else’s have started to sprout since Thursday?

Growing Families

Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, has left a message for our “growing families”:

“Thanks to everyone who came to the growing families session last Thursday – I hope all your seeds are sprouting at home. Don’t forget to bring your soup bowl pictures back to me after the easter holiday. Looking forward to seeing everyone who is coming to the session on 24th April. Happy Easter hope you all have a lovely holiday”

Hopefully the rain has helped the seeds you all planted in the Nursery garden. All we need now is a little sunshine.

Tesco Tour

Well done Bethany for remembering all the different places you visited in Tesco. Mum said:

“Bethany was very impressed with her visit and now enjoys showing us all the places she’s been to in Tesco that we’re not allowed to go!”

I don’t suppose Mum and Dad get to make their own doughnuts at Tesco either do they? We think that the Nursery children deserved them for all their good teamwork and excellent behaviour.

Career Choices

Like us, Carmen’s Mum enjoyed hearing about some of the children’s career plans:

“Aw that made me smile reading what the children want to do when they leave school. Some good career choices there. Yes Carmen insists on doing peoples make up so we will watch and see. Has she not asked to apply anybody’s make up at nursery! I liked lexis answer a queen that’s good that she’s aiming high. X”

We have not experienced Carmen’s make-up skills so far but there’s time yet.

Ambulance Visit

We are glad to hear from Carmen’s Mum that she enjoyed the ambulance visit:

“Just want to say that Carmen thoroughly enjoyed having a look in the ambulance. She couldn’t wait to tell me what they saw and did. She said it was awesome!!!! And it was very loud.”

Carmen is right. The siren was extremely loud and the children had to have their hands over their ears.

Primary 6 Comment

Rebecca from Primary 6 has been looking at our blog and commented on playing with the Nursery children:

“It is such great fun playing with all the nursery kids i cant wait to find out who my buddy is”.
“It is so much fun and its great to meet new friends”

You are all doing a super job Rebecca. Thank you for visiting our blog and leaving a comment.

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