Mollie’s Sunflowers

We have had a super photo sent from home:

“Mollie’s sunflowers , hopefully they will go in a pot each at the weekend!”

Well done Mollie – you’ve really looked after your sunflowers. Good luck with the planting at the week-end. I wonder how everyone else is getting on with their sunflowers?

Thank You

Thank you very much for the kind comments re our Fun Activity event.

Carmen’s Mum: “Very well done to all the boys and girls today. You were a credit to your teachers and nursery. As a parent I was very proud of all the children, what a lovely atmosphere. Well done to all the teachers who work so hard to put sports day on, you deserve a medal.”

Mollie’s Mum: “It was fantastic seeing the children working together as a team, well done to all! Mollie certainly loved it, especially her medal and ice lolly!”

Good Teamwork

Let’s hope the weather stays fine for us tomorrow. Carmen and her Mum are certainly looking forward to our Fun Activity event:

“First I would like to say what great photos of the children in action. This is always a great day and nice to see the children encouraging each other to do well. Can’t wait for tomorrow. Carmen is very excited.”

The children are so good at encouraging each and show great team spirit.

Moving On

Lots of the children are beginning to talk about the move to Primary 1 and several teachers from different schools will be visiting us in the next few weeks to meet their new pupils. Ava’s family left us a lovely comment about her visit from Mrs.Corrie:

“Ava enjoyed meeting her new Primary 1 teacher and is looking forward to starting at Elmvale, but will miss all her new friends she made at nursery.”

We will miss all the children too when they move on but it’s always great to see how they have grown in confidence and are ready for the next step in their lives.

Sunflower Gallery

Carmen’s Mum was impressed with everyone’s sunflowers:

“Aw this is right down Carmen’s street. She just loves drawing pictures of flowers. She loves to pick them too and brings them to me with a smile. How can I refuse, even tho I’ve not got many flowers left in the garden after Carmen’s been. Lovely display of pictures here. Well done boys and girls they look great.”

Carmen does loves flowers. We’ve noticed that too. Well done everyone with your super artwork.

Buddy Fun

We have had another lovely comment about our buddies from Freya’s family:

“Freya loves when her buddy Tyra comes to visit her in nursery. It’s lovely for mummy & daddy to hear all the stories of the fun times they have together & reassuring Freya will have someone to look out for her in P1. Thank you Tyra “

Freya and Tyra are certainly having fun together in Nursery and the playground. Sounds like Freya will be looking forward to Tyra looking after her when she moves to Primary 1.

Super Art Work

Like us, Carmen’s Mum loved her art work:

“When I saw this picture I was really very impressed. Well done Carmen. It’s proudly displayed in our hallway. Carmen loves flowers. Tom and Carmen were playing in the garden and I saw them putting flowers into a bucket and filling it with water, I asked what they were doing they replied making perfume!”

That’s brought a few memories back from our youth – making perfume with petals in the garden. It was a super picture Carmen and all your own idea to use the sweet wrappers. Well done!

Thank You Danielle

After our buddies have had some super positive comments from parents, it’s lovely to see that they too have been looking on our blog. Danielle left this comment:

“Love playing with my buddy and I hope she does too! And also hope to make new friends in the nursery this year!”

Thanks very much Danielle for taking the time to visit the blog. We are sure that your new Nursery friends love seeing you as they look forward to your visits. Keep up the good work!

Brilliant Buddies

We have had another lovely comment about our buddies from Bethany’s family:

Bethany says “I like her name and I like the way she plays with me outside. I like the way she helps me jump.”

Keep up the good work buddies. You are obviously doing a good job of being ‘responsible citizens’ in helping the Nursery children become ‘confident individuals’.

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