Smiles All Round

Mrs. Alexander has been looking at all the photos of the children in the playground with their buddies:

“Isn’t it great to see all the smiles? We are all looking forward to welcoming your child into Primary 1 after the holidays and P6 pupils have already formed positive friendships with them over the past few weeks. Bring it on!”

It is lovely to see how much the children are growing in confidence with the support of some super buddies.

Hecklegirth Adventures

Callum and Tobias (P6) seem to be having a great time getting to know each other. Callum’s family left a comment saying,

“What a great picture! Callum has been keeping us up to date with his adventures with Tobias”

Tobias also left a comment saying,

 “It has been great showing Callum around the playground. Callum seems to be having a good time! Looking forward to our next adventure!”

It sounds like you two are building a great relationship.

Happy Families

Two of our parents have left us comments.

Fay’s Mum said, “Fay is enjoying getting to know her new Buddy Megan, especially playing together in the big playground.”

Those buddies certainly are doing a good job. They really looked after the children well in the big playground.

Paulina’s Mum and Dad loved the photo of her with her certificate and left her a message:

“We are proud of you:) “

We are all proud of you too Paulina. Well done!


Niamh’s family is delighted with her recent award:

“Niamh was so pleased to get her certificate. We are very proud of her and she has put it in her “memories” book to look back on as she grows up.”

What a lovely idea to have a “memories” book – it’s nice to think that Niamh will have her certificate to look back on her time in Nursery. I wonder what other people do if they get a certificate?

Buddy Comment

Tobias from Primary 6 has left a comment about being a buddy:

“I have enjoyed playing with my buddy and getting to know him. I canny wait to see him again when we can catch up and learn more about him.”

You are doing a great job as a buddy Tobias. Thank you for all your visits and for leaving us a comment. You and the rest of the buddies are really helping the children prepare for Primary 1.

Painting In The Sun

Two of our families have commented on the lovely photos of the children enjoying various activities out in the sunshine last week.

“It was lovely to have some sunshine last week , both the girls look like there really enjoying painting together outside.”

“The fun in the sun photos are lovely, it’s interesting seeing the staff and children doing lots of different activities. Keira looks as if she’s concentrating the paintings she brings home are lovely.”

Thank you for leaving us your comments. The children do love painting outdoors.

Making New Friends

The family of one of our children who started this week has been looking at our blog:

“Brogan has settled in fine at nursery and seems to be enjoying his time here and also making new friends as well as playing and learning”

We are glad that Brogan is enjoying his start to Nursery life. Thank you for leaving us a comment. We hope that you continue to enjoy visiting the blog to see what’s happening in Nursery.

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