Spreading Happiness

Having already spread a little Christmas happiness with their singing at the Old Parish Friendship Club, some children also made a visit to Lydiafield towards the end of term to sing a few Christmas songs and chat to the residents. We were made to feel so welcome and the smiles and tapping feet told us that the children had a great impact on the residents. We felt very proud of their behaviour and confidence in a new situation. Thank you so much to everyone at Lydiafield for a delicious snack and a warm welcome. We hope that you all have a good Christmas.

Special Day

Santa has been very busy lately and it seemed that he had visited the Raindrop Room on the same night as the Rainbow Room. Footprints were clearly in evidence in the role play area and a sack of parcels had been left there too. It seems that everyone in Hecklegirth Nursery is making Santa very happy. Once all the children had received their parcel from Santa, they realised that the snow machine had arrived in their outdoor area so great fun was had by all on this special day.

A Snowy Visitor

Further to the recent strange happenings overnight in our Nursery, when we started to realise that Santa and a fairy must have been calling in to check up on everyone, Tuesday brought even further excitement when snow greeted the children at the door in the Rainbow Room and some very suspicious snowy footprints were found near the Christmas tree. Some of the footprints were huge (Santa we thought) and some were much smaller which the children guessed perhaps belonged to a visiting elf.
It did not take long for the children to notice that a red sack had also been left near the tree and the children were delighted to find that each of them had been left a present by Santa. We decided that this must mean that everyone has been behaving very well and was making Santa happy. The fun did not stop there as the snow then returned in the garden so lots of children went out and had great fun in it. We hope that everyone enjoyed this fun day and that they are keeping up the super behaviour at home to make Santa happy.

Christmas Celebration

We hope that, like us, you were very proud of all the children as they behaved and sang so beautifully in front of a big audience at our Christmas celebration on Monday. Huge thanks go to Mr. Higton and the United Reform Church for inviting us to their church and to the many family members who helped to make this a special occasion for the children who certainly proved to be ‘confident individuals’ in their performance.
We would also like to thank all those who donated to our super hampers and bought squares for them. A grand sum of £194 was raised which will be used for our children. There is a list of prize winners in Nursery and prizes can be collected today. Thank you so much for your support.

Christmas Celebration

We hope that you are all looking forward to our Christmas celebration tomorrow, Monday 16th December. Children should attend Nursery at normal times and we will walk them to church. Families should come to the United Reform Church for 1.45.
We are delighted that many of our families have indicated that they would like to be part of our celebration. We want this to be an informal occasion for the children to enjoy a relaxed and happy performance to their families and look forward to seeing you there.

Christmas Visitors

There have been some strange happenings in our Nursery over the past week or so. One day we came in and the children found fairy dust in several places and a note had been left by one of Santa’s fairies. We all wondered how the fairy had got in to Nursery and some thought that perhaps Santa was sending her to check up on everyone’s behaviour.
On Friday we were all very surprised to find photos of Santa that had not been there the previous day. Once we looked carefully at the photos we realised that Santa himself had been for a visit to our Nursery. This caused great excitement as we realised that he had been looking in our trays and checking out our displays. The conclusion reached was that this must be “the real Santa” and that he must be keeping a check on everything. We all wonder just what he might do next?

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