Outdoor Exploration

Most of the children have taken the opportunity to explore the outdoor area in the first two weeks of term so they are learning to change their shoes and put on outdoor suits when they are needed. Some are developing their confidence on the big climbing frame, others have been drawing or making delicious meals in the mud kitchen. The outdoor area is certainly a very popular place to play.

Thank You

We would like to say huge thanks to Vicky and Jason Keir, former parents in our Nursery, who kindly donated their double buggy to the Sunshine Room so that they can go out on visits to our community. We are so delighted to now have this opportunity and wasted no time in getting the buggy into action the very next day.
What a great adventure these children had on their initial trip out. First port of call was Tesco to buy a little thank you gift for Vicky and Jason which the children then delivered to them. Along the way they spotted lots of letters and numbers and checked the trees for signs of Autumn which does not appear to be evident just yet in our area. Final stop was at the park where the children enjoyed their snack and some time on the equipment.
Thank you so much to Vicky and Jason for providing the children with this great learning opportunity. We really appreciate your kind generosity.

Incy Wincy Spider

Our younger children from the Sunshine Room love outdoor play and have grown so much in confidence when socialising with some of the older children. Each day brings a new adventure and this week brought an exciting find when they saw a big spider in the garden. We wondered if it may have been sleeping in our bug hotel but it certainly provided a great interest and point of discussion. We just love seeing the wonder on the faces of these young children when they find something new.

Learning In The Snack Area

An important aspect of learning in Nursery happens in the snack area where children develop a wide range of skills. They develop self-help and social skills as well as fine motor control and independence when helping to prepare their own snack. Literacy and Numeracy are also part of the experience through talking and listening or, for example, counting the number of pieces of fruit on their plates. We hope that you enjoy these first photos of some of the children enjoying their learning in the snack area.

Back In The Swing

Evelyn’s family has been looking at some of our first posts of the children settling back in to their new year:

“Evelyn loves coming to nursery. She was quite nervous to go back after the holidays but seems to be back in the swing of things. I love the blog. I like to see what she gets up to because she’s always over excitedly telling me what she gets up to haha. Xx”

We are glad that Evelyn is enjoying being back in Nursery and that you use the blog for updates of what we are all doing. We will continue to regularly provide an insight into events and activities to give you a picture of what is happening. Thank you for leaving us a comment. We do appreciate it.

Works Of Art

Paint, glue and paper are well used in Nursery and lots of children have been enjoying art activities in their first week with us. Here is a selection of some of their work. Many more pictures have gone home so no doubt they will be decorating your fridges and walls. As well as a display in Nursery, we have shared some of the children’s work in the school corridor so that everyone can see how creative they have been. If you click then click again on a photo you should be able to see the artist’s name. I wonder if any of the children can find their own work?

Allergies and Medication

Thank you to all those families who have completed forms to allow us to administer medication to your children if required. We have also used the information from your child’s enrolment form to alert us to any allergies that he/she may have. If your child does have an allergy and you are unsure if this was on the initial form, please ensure that staff are aware of this as we all want to ensure the safety of all the children in our care. Thank you for your support and co-operation with this.

First Days

Leo’s family has been looking at our photos of the first few days of term:

“Leo has really enjoyed his first few days of nursery and has been telling us all about the different toys he has been playing with 😊 “

It’s good to hear that Leo has enjoyed his first week. Thank you very much for taking the time to leave us a comment. We would love more of our families to leave us a message as we want this to be a shared blog with you all.

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