Easter Crafts

Two of  our parents have left comments about our Family Learning Easter activities:

“Thank you Eileen for our Easter craft session. Callum especially enjoyed the sing song.”

Summer’s Mum said, “A bit tricky to get elastic on the mask but all great fun for Easter!”

I remember that elastic being tricky but I’m glad to hear that you all had fun.

Easter In Poland

The morning children recently enjoyed a visit from Suzie’s Mum who told us all about how Easter is celebrated in Poland. Some of the traditions are similar to ours, such as Easter cards and decorated boiled eggs, but her family also makes decorations for their home and the church is usually decorated with flowers. We loved some of the decorations that Suzie’s great aunt made from paper and it was very kind of her to make us a beautiful bird to display in Nursery. Suzie’s family in Poland take food to church in a decorated basket and, once the food has been blessed, it is part of a big celebration meal which normally includes ham and eggs.
We would like to thank Suzie’s Mum for taking the time to talk to us about Easter in Poland. It was very interesting for children and staff.

Photo Comments

Some of our families have been enjoying the recent photos of the children learning about jobs in the community. Dylan’s Mum liked his photo at church:

“Brilliant picture! I can’t decide from the look on his face whether he’s really happy to be holding it or he’s straining under the weight.”

It certainly was heavy that Bible Dylan. Well done for holding on to it.

Lewis’ Mum liked our fire fighter photos:

“Lewis looks like he’s loving being a fireman!”

You really did look the part Lewis. I wonder if you will ever be a fire fighter when you grow up?

Easter Family Activities

Last week twenty nine families took part in our latest Family Learning activity which was to make Easter crafts. Cotton wool, glue and elastic featured heavily and, as you can see, the children had great fun producing their bunny masks and Easter wristbands. Thank you to Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, for providing a super activity for families to enjoy together and thank you also to everyone who came along to her sessions. We hope that you had fun.

When I’m Grown-Up …

As the children have been finding out about the various jobs that are available to them in the future, they have begun to think about which career they might be interested in.

Julia: I’m going to be an artist. They draw and paint.
Max A.: I want to be a rock star.
Finlay G.: I want to drive a train.
Jenson: ride in a fire engine.
Suzie: I want to be a princess sitting on a throne. I’d look after my pets – a rabbit, a dog and a cat.
Summer: I want to be a nurse.
Jacob: I want to be a policeman and drive a police car and wear a police hat.
Fearne: I want to be in a band.
Armana: I want to be a pet shop lady.
Conan: I want to be a boxer with a belt.
Oliver: I want to fly an aeroplane.
Keira R.: be a sweetie seller and sell lots of sweeties on a shop on the corner.
Effy: I want to be a builder. You build houses.
Mollie: I want to be a hairdresser ’cause I like doing my Barbie’s hair.
Eden: I’m going to be a postie when I’m bigger ’cause my Daddy’s a postie.
Charlie: I want to build a big castle.
Isaac: I want to be a fire fighter.
Ayda: I want to be a teacher.
Katie: be a butcher. I’d make cows for everyone.
Joe W.: I want to be a spaceman and go to the moon.
Kacey: I want to be a baker. I’d bake muffins and rolls.
Sophie M: be a flower grower and make and sell them in my shop.

We love all their super ideas. I wonder if any of them will come true?

Well Done Kacey!

Kacey’s family is delighted with her recent award:

 “It was lovely to see how proud Kacey was with her special award certificate it now has pride of place on our fridge at home so she can show everyone! Well done Kacey!”

I hope you are remembering to show it to all your family Kacey. You could show them your photo too. Well done.

Church Visit

The visits to various places in our community continued recently with a walk to the United Reform Church. Rev. McGougan kindly invited us to his place of work and he was able to explain to the children what his job involves, apart from visiting us in Nursery at special times. They were also able to explore the building, upstairs and down, and learn about what happens there.
Thank you to Rev. McGougan for making us feel so welcome and to all the parents who came with us on our visit.

Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Cycling, Scooting and Safety

In our recent Big Pedal event we were delighted to see an increase in the numbers of children bringing their bikes or scooters to Nursery. Over the three days when journeys were counted, twelve children cycled and twenty two came on their scooters. It was great to hear the children talking about how to stay safe on their journeys and we are sure that they are also aware of the importance of using seat belts if they come to Nursery by car.
Since the Big Pedal event, more children seem to have continued to bring their bikes and scooters which is good news. Please remember that they can leave them in the storage unit in the Nursery garden.

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