Language Programme

For those parents who have been using our English language programme to develop their child’s communication skills, I have now added books nine and ten to our blog. They can be found if you click on the link on the right that says “Learning English”. Although initially intended for children with English as an Additional Language, this programme could be useful for any children who need a little help and encouragement to develop their language skills. We hope that these new books are useful to support your child’s learning at home.

The Queen’s Birthday

Yesterday discussions around castles and princesses in the Sunshine Room led us to talk about the Queen celebrating her birthday. The children began to wonder what she might do on her birthday and we thought that we would share some of their ideas.
Ewan: she dances in her castle.
Oliver: she eats cake with strawberry icing.
Summer: she eats cake. She might get a new crown.
Julia L.: she opens her presents – she might get a dog.
Willow: she’s seeing all her friends and they’ll bring her presents.
Effy: she goes to peoples’ houses and she polishes her crown.
Armana: she gets new shoes.
Lexi: she’s having a party tonight.
Finlay G.: she’s getting a birthday cake.
Callum: she’ll be opening her presents – she might get a new crown.
Ava: she eats her cake and blows out the candles.
Fay: she’d wear her crown.
Fearne: the Queen dances with the prince.
Brooke: she’s making strawberry cake.
Cian: she gets her crown on her head.
Finlay T.: she’ll be opening big presents.

We think that the Queen must have had a lovely birthday if all these things happened.

Decorated Eggs

Sophie’s Mum has been looking at the photos of the eggs the children decorated for the Easter competition:

“sophie loved making these easter chicks it was great fun”

We thought that there were so many fantastic eggs, it must have been very difficult to choose a winner. We were delighted that so many of our families took part and we hope that you all enjoyed doing this together at home.

New Term

We hope that everyone is enjoying their Easter holiday and that you are looking forward to returning to Nursery on Monday 20th April for the new term. It will be lovely to see all our children and their families again and we are looking forward to welcoming three new children to Nursery. No doubt they will be excited to start with us and we are sure that all our families will make them feel welcome. We will see you all on Monday.

Hello From Joe

We have had a lovely message from Joe’s family:

“Thank you all, children and staff for a magical 3/4 of a year !! Joe is missing you all very much especially playing out side too , hope to keep in touch take care Joe and his family x”

We would love it if you kept in touch Joe and hope that you have great fun at your new school.

Thank You Joe

last3We would like to thank Joe and his family for their very kind gifts as he said his good-byes at the end of term. The children in the Rainbow Room were so excited to open the parcels that Joe brought and everyone is looking forward to playing with his super gifts. last2The garden set was immediately put into action in our flower shop and seemed to be a great success. Mrs. Alexander and all the Nursery staff would like to say a huge thank you to Joe and his family for their kind generosity. We will miss you Joe but are sure that you will have a super time at your new school.

Spring Art

We hope that everyone is enjoying their Easter holiday especially the lovely Spring sunshine that we have been having. At the end of term we began to talk about the seasonal changes and will continue to learn about springtime at the start of next term. Inspired by our discussions, here is a selection of the artwork that the children have created.
Click then click again to make the photo bigger and see the name of the artist.

Easter Egg Extravaganza

There was a  great response to the recent competition to decorate boiled eggs for Easter. So many fantastic eggs appeared that an extra table had to be found to display all the Nursery and Primary 1 entrants. Well done to the Nursery prize winner, who you can see here with her prize, and to everyone who took the time to enter the competition. We thought that your ideas were wonderful and wanted to share a selection of them with you all. Can you spot your egg in the photos below?

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