Hecklegirth Adventures

Callum and Tobias (P6) seem to be having a great time getting to know each other. Callum’s family left a comment saying,

“What a great picture! Callum has been keeping us up to date with his adventures with Tobias”

Tobias also left a comment saying,

 “It has been great showing Callum around the playground. Callum seems to be having a good time! Looking forward to our next adventure!”

It sounds like you two are building a great relationship.

Playground Pals

The school playground had some excited visitors last week when the children moving to Hecklegirth P1 in August went out to play at break and lunch times. Despite a very busy playground, the buddies ensured that all the children were confident and happy to try out the different areas although, as you can see, the timber trail was by far the most popular. It was wonderful to see how much the children had grown in confidence to visit different areas of the school and they even managed to line up before going back in to Nursery. Just look at all those happy faces! Hopefully we will manage another visit to the playground soon.

Sunflower Art

Having been inspired by our recent discussions about Vincent Van Gogh, the children have had the opportunity to create their own sunflower artwork which has formed a display in both the school and Nursery corridors. Here is a selection of some of their work – please take the time to have a look at the displays in school as we think the children have produced some great art.
Click then click again for a clearer view and to see the artist’s name.

Happy Families

Two of our parents have left us comments.

Fay’s Mum said, “Fay is enjoying getting to know her new Buddy Megan, especially playing together in the big playground.”

Those buddies certainly are doing a good job. They really looked after the children well in the big playground.

Paulina’s Mum and Dad loved the photo of her with her certificate and left her a message:

“We are proud of you:) “

We are all proud of you too Paulina. Well done!

Vincent Van Gogh

We have been learning a little about Vincent Van Gogh and have looked at two of his paintings to talk about which we prefer. Here are some of the children’s thoughts.

Darcy: “The Starry Night” is best. I like the moon.
Jacob: I like the “Sunflowers” – it’s pretty.
Fearne: the “Sunflowers” is nice – they’ve got nice petals.
Caidy: I like the pot on the “Sunflowers” one.
Max A.: I like “The Starry Night”. I like the stars.
Callum: I like the “Sunflowers” ’cause they’re so shiny.
Wareeshah: I like “Sunflowers”. I’ve got it at home.
Brooke: I like “Sunflowers” ’cause it’s like summer.
Aoife: I like “Starry Night” ’cause it’s a bit dark.
Finlay T.: I like the yellow bits on “Starry Night”.
Jade G.: I like the circle bits on “Starry Night”.
Jayden: I like “Starry Night”. I like the stars and the big thing.

Family Growing Activity

We would like to remind everyone of the Family Learning growing activity next week.
On Monday (11.5.15) there are sessions at 9-10, 10.45-11.45 and 12.15-1.15.
There are two afternoon sessions on Tuesday (12.5.15) at 12.15-1.15 and 2.15-3.15.
Finally on Thursday (14.5.15) there is a morning session at 9-10.
If you have not signed up yet, there are spaces available in some of the slots – you can add your name to the notices in the corridor leading to the Rainbow Room cloakroom. We look forward to seeing lots of families joining in with Eileen’s super activities.


Niamh’s family is delighted with her recent award:

“Niamh was so pleased to get her certificate. We are very proud of her and she has put it in her “memories” book to look back on as she grows up.”

What a lovely idea to have a “memories” book – it’s nice to think that Niamh will have her certificate to look back on her time in Nursery. I wonder what other people do if they get a certificate?

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