Well Done

Emma’s Mum left us a comment about our Fun Activity Day:

“Emma had a great time and enjoyed all the practicing on the run up to the sports. Was very proud of her medal too. Well done to everyone who organised and helped the kids.”

It was lovely to see the children all working so well together and to have so many adults cheering them on. Thanks to everyone for joining in despite chilly weather.

Sunflower Planting

To tie in with our learning about Vincent Van Gogh, the children have been planting sunflowers as well as painting them. As you can see, they knew to look for instructions and had good ideas about how to make the seeds grow. Once they have their little sunflower pots home, the children should be able to tell their families what they need to do to look after their plants. Hopefully, they will be able to bring their sunflowers or a photo back to Nursery later in the term to show us how well they are growing.

Great Teamwork

Like the morning children, the afternoon children participated in our Fun Activity Day with great enthusiasm. They worked well in their teams and displayed good skills and motivation to do their best. Thank you again to everyone who came along to cheer the children on – we all appreciate your support.

Click then click again for bigger photos.

Medals and Ice Lollies

We would like to thank everyone who came to cheer the children on their Fun Activity Day despite chilly weather. We are sure that, like us, you felt very proud of them all as they confidently showed off their skills and great teamwork. Those medals and ice lollies were certainly well deserved and we hope that you enjoyed the day as much as we did. Well done boys and girls – you really were ‘confident individuals’. Thank you also to the ‘responsible citizens’ of Primary 6 and 7/6 who were super helpers on the day. Here are some photos from the morning event. The afternoon photos will be posted soon.

Fun Activity Day

The children have been practising their running and jumping skills to prepare for our Fun Activity Day tomorrow (Thursday). They have shown good teamwork and had great fun although at times, as you can see from the photos, we have had to have our coats on due to chilly weather. We are looking forward to lots of families cheering everyone on as they show you what they can do – we hope to bring the children on to the field around 9.30 and 1.30. Fingers crossed for sunshine tomorrow.

Wheely Good Day

Last week we had a “Wheely Good Day” when the school had a breakfast club for all those who brought their bikes or scooters, followed by fun activities for both morning and afternoon Nursery children as well as those in school. It was great to see that some Nursery children joined us for a breakfast of yoghurt, cereal bars, fruit and a drink and we were delighted with the number who brought their bikes and scooters to take part in the activities on offer.
Thank you to everyone who helped to organise this event and gave up their own time. What a great way to keep fit and healthy – the children had super fun.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Tesco Take Two

Just like the morning children, the afternoon children thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Tesco last week. They also worked well together in teams and carried out the various activities with enthusiasm. Miss Kerr even tried her hand at pancake making and did a very good job. Thank you again to Tesco for such an informative visit and to all the parents who accompanied us on our visit – we really appreciate it.
Click then click again for a clearer view of the photos.

Tesco Visit

Nursery visited Tesco last week to learn about what happens in the shop and behind the scenes. The children worked very well in teams to solve the shopping puzzles and had to think hard about finding different numbers of fruit and vegetables in various colours as well as the cereal boxes on their shopping lists. The visit to the bakery produced lots of interest, as did the tasting session at the cheese and meat counter, and it was great to see how pancakes and doughnuts are made, especially when they got to taste the end product in the staff canteen along with a welcome glass of juice.
We would like to say huge thanks to Lorna and Martin at Tesco who were so patient and kind. The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit and we all appreciate the time you took to show them round the store. Thank you also to those tolerant staff who had their tea break disturbed in the canteen and to Tesco for the very generous gift bags given to each child.
Here you can see the morning children busy with the various activities.

Smiles All Round

Mrs. Alexander has been looking at all the photos of the children in the playground with their buddies:

“Isn’t it great to see all the smiles? We are all looking forward to welcoming your child into Primary 1 after the holidays and P6 pupils have already formed positive friendships with them over the past few weeks. Bring it on!”

It is lovely to see how much the children are growing in confidence with the support of some super buddies.

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