Beautiful Butterflies

Alongside our learning about minibeasts and looking after our own little caterpillars, lots of children created their own butterflies at home with their families. We love the range of materials used and the wonderful ideas that you all had. Thank you to all those families who took the time to take part in this activity. Here is a selection of some of  the super works of art.
Click then click again for a closer look.

Flower Planting

Mollie’s Mum enjoyed the photos of the children planting flowers:

“What a lovely idea to plant flowers! Mollie loves growing things, we are growing our own veg at our allotment! Thank you Mrs Alexander for the flower pots. The flowers look great!”

Mollie certainly seemed to know how to plant flowers and the children were pleased with the results of their work. They are keen to look after them too so hopefully they should look lovely all summer.

Pretty Flowers All In A Row

As well as planting sunflowers to take home, we have been planting in the Nursery garden to brighten it up. Mrs. Alexander kindly gave us four flower pots which inspired us to add to the display in our raised bed. The afternoon children were enthusiastic to join in and help and, as you can see, they made a good job of preparing the soil then choosing which plants they wanted where. Have a look in the garden to see what you think of their hard work.

Money Magic

Recently the afternoon children had a visit from the Financial Education Officer to talk about what we do with money and to help them in their work on coin recognition. They loved the story just as much as the morning children had earlier this year and took part enthusiastically in helping to tell the story. Bev’s huge purse held the children’s interest and they too enjoyed the magic of coin rubbing. We would like to thank Bev for her visit and look forward to seeing her again next year.
Click then click again for a clearer view.

Family Fun

Kacey’s Mum’s been enjoying having a look at our photos.

“Kacey loves the family learning activities (so do I) our cress is still alive and growing on our window . Sadly the pumpkin seed isn’t so well as she was a bit over enthusiastic in watering it, we will buy some more and try again!”

“Well done everyone on the family fun day everyone did great despite the weather being cold and windy, I think the only people that noticed was all the adults that came to watch.”

We did wonder how the pumpkin seeds would do – that’s a shame if it’s not survived. I wonder how other people are getting on with their seeds?

Well Done Finlay

Finlay T’s family was pleased to see his photo with his recent certificate:

“Finlay was so happy with his certificate he couldn’t wait to show it off to all his family . Well done Finlay.”

We’re glad that you showed it to all your family Finlay – you really earned that and should be proud of yourself.

Tiny Caterpillars

Tiny caterpillars arrived in Nursery recently and we have all been watching their growth with great excitement. When we returned to Nursery last Monday, the caterpillars in both the Rainbow and Sunshine Rooms had formed their cocoons so we carefully transferred them to their nets and now await the arrival of our butterflies. I wonder which butterflies will emerge first? If you ask the children, they will be able to show you the cocoons in Nursery and tell you all about what has happened.

Growing and Planting

To link in with our learning in Nursery, growing and planting was the theme for a recent Family Learning activity led by Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator. The children and their families enjoyed a range of activities which included cress planting and a paper plate craft activity to show the life cycle of a butterfly.
Eileen’s next Family Learning days are already planned for the 8th and 9th June when she will share ideas for skills for school. All parents/carers are welcome regardless of which school your child will be moving to. Please add your name to the notice board in the corridor if you would like to join Eileen and other parents/carers. Thank you, as always, to Eileen for offering these super opportunities for everyone.

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