Musical Moments

We hope that everyone is enjoying their holidays and thought that you might enjoy a little reminder of Nursery life. Last term, as a group time activity, the children learned to play a range of musical instruments and they have continued this experience into their play as they are becoming increasingly confident to play in a little band and perform to friends. Here you can see some of the Sunshine children making music.

Arcimboldo Art

Emma’s family has been looking at our Arcimboldo work where the children used foods to make portraits:

“Looks like Emma’s having fun!! Wonder how much food went missing during this activity hee hee.”

As you can imagine, we needed close supervision in the art area but the children did really respond well to this activity.

Camera Skills

The cameras have been very busy outdoors over the past week or two as the children have searched for signs of Autumn in the garden. It was a bit tricky initially to find leaves which were turning colour but, as the days passed, more and more have appeared. As you can see, the children are now confident to use the cameras and enjoyed sharing their findings with their friends.

Artists At Work

As part of our learning about Autumn we have looked at some of the work of the artist Arcimboldo. We looked closely at his “Autumn” portrait to see how he used food to depict the seasons as faces then used food to make our own portraits. As you can see, some of the children have been inspired learning about this artist and have produced some super work.
Click then click again to get a bigger photo and see the artist’s name.

Well Done Kacey

Kacey’s Mum has been enjoying the recent posts about our home activity and the Harvest celebration.

“Kacey loved looking for chestnuts and hazel nuts with her big brother.”

“Unfortunately I was unable to come to the harvest celebration but Kacey told me all about it and sang me some songs at home her nana and sister said it was lovely to see all the children singing together!”

Thank you for helping Kacey to collect items for our Autumn display. The children showed great confidence in the Harvest performance and we were all very proud of them.

Autumn Treasure

As you have no doubt noticed, we now have a great collection of leaves, chestnuts, pinecones etc. that the children have brought from home to help us learn about Autumn. Thank you to everyone who went walks in the woods or searched their gardens for signs of Autumn – it’s been lovely to talk to you about what you have gathered. Some have even been creative with their finds and turned them into pictures. Here is a selection of photos of the children with their Autumn treasure as some have called it.

School and Nursery Values

Thank you to all those who have returned the slip about our updated values. It is important that as many people as possible give their opinion on what best sums up our school community values. If you have not yet completed a slip, please ask Nursery staff for a copy as we would appreciate your ideas. All results will be collated and shared along with the updated vision, values and aims.

Special Books

We hope that the children have enjoyed sharing their “special books” with their families. We would like to remind you that we would appreciate it if they are returned to Nursery tomorrow (6th October), if possible, along with the comment sheet.
However, your child’s book is available to you in Nursery in the book area so please look at it with your child whenever you wish and feel free to add your comments or observations. We greatly value your input.

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