Cold Weather House

houseThe cold weather doesn’t seem to want to go away so today a small group of children decided that they needed to make a house in the garden to stay warm. house2
As you can see, they made a good job of it and added little chairs inside so that they didn’t have to sit on the cold ground. Of course, as we all know, the housework still has to be done regardless of the weather, so they even took it in turns to clean the windows and doors.
Click then click again for a clearer view of the mystery builders in their house.

Winter Weather

What better way is there to learn about the signs of winter than to be outdoors on a frosty morning? The effects of last night’s frost brought excitement and great opportunities for the children to learn about the effects of winter weather.
Big lumps of ice became precious treasure and the children had lots of discussion about how it felt and what would happen to it if they took it inside. Great amusement was caused by lots of spades and jugs which were stuck together by ice. Some experimented in the water tray which had crystals of ice across the bottom and others learned how difficult it is to dig the garden when the ground’s frozen. The children decided to make a drill with a range of equipment to break the surface of the digging area and, when this didn’t work, they wondered if breathing on it might help.
A few flickers of snow brought lots of excitement as they planned where their snowman would be but the snow did not materialise so that will have to be for another day. Well done all you super thinkers who were outdoors this morning – you helped each other to learn about the effects of winter.


As part of our transition work, Primary 6 children visit Nursery every week to play and build relationships with our children. They have worked on what makes a good buddy and are showing great enthusiasm and skills with the younger children. Thank you Primary 6 and those children from Primary 7/6 who have been doing a great job. Keep up the good work – the Nursery children enjoy your visits.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Jack Frost

During our discussions about the changing seasons, we enjoyed a book which had Jack Frost as a character. We then shared our ideas about what he might look like and where he lives. As always, the children had some wonderful ideas which we thought you’d like us to share with you.

Eden: he looks cold and frosty. He’s blue.
Max L: Jack Frost looks in the window to watch you. He lives in snow.
Ayda: he’s got snow all over him and a hat and clothes and boots ’cause he doesn’t want snow in his socks.
Mollie: he’s all snow but his face is probably brown. His house is made of brown paint or maybe white to get him warm.
Lucas: he makes ice. He lives up on the tree.
Sophie M: Jack Frost is actually a teenage boy and he has a sister. The ice cracked and he fell in the water.
Zander: he lives at the North Pole and he runs fast to get there. He’s got a jumper.
Ben: he’s like the wind. He eats cabbage. I think he lives in a snow house.
Conan: he’s got white hair. He wears blue clothes and has lots of snow.
Ellie: Jack frost looks like a monster. He’s white.
Jade S: he can fly.
Kacey: he looks like snow. He lives outside in lots of snow.
Keira M: he’s covered in snow and he’s got a big kind of nose.

Happy Start

Finlay’s Mum’s been looking at the recent photos of our new children who started last week:

“Finlay is loving nursery. Every day he is so excited to go and comes home loving his morning at nursery. He seems to have settled in so well.”

We are glad that Finlay has made such a happy start to Nursery life and hope that he continues to enjoy all the activities.

What Do We Know About Winter?

Our learning at the start of this term has been about winter and how it affects our lives. Our initial discussions focussed on what we know about this time of year and we would like to share some of the ideas that the children gave us.

Theo: when I was on the motorway I saw a flood. I saw signs that said Hexham and Newcastle and it was a flood with lots of water.
Zander: there’s no leaves on the trees. They grow in Spring.
Sophie M: Jack Frost comes out. He frosties everything. He flies with a stick.
Jade S.: there’s snow in Winter and in Poland there’s lots and lots of snow.
Ben: you need a coat and wellie boots and gloves.
Keira M: when it snows it’s fluffy on the grass.
Suzie: everything goes white like glass.
Kacey: you need hats, scarves and gloves.
Max L.: you sometimes see the moon at daytime.
Mikey: the sun shines but it’s cold.
Lucas: you’ve got to have a coat on.
Isaac: you can build a snowman.
Lexie: you get snow days.
Effy: socks make your feet warm. It’s like night time when you have your tea.
Armana: the animals go away to hide.
Ewan: if you wear shorts you’ll freeze.
Lewis: the frost makes everything white.

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