Chinese Tasting

As part of our discussion about Chinese New Year, lots of Nursery children were confident to talk about the types of food Chinese people might eat and, to celebrate the start of celebrations for Chinese New Year last week, they were given the opportunity to sample some Chinese foods at snack. As you can see, the children made a good attempt at using chopsticks and most were confident to try the noodles, sauces and prawn crackers on offer.

What Would You Do If A Dragon Came To Stay?

As part of our work on Chinese New Year, a little dragon came to visit us in Nursery which prompted a discussion about what we would do if we got a pet dragon for our birthday. This was an exciting idea for most children and they thought carefully about how they would look after a pet like that.

Sophie S: I’d keep it in my bed. I’ve got a big, big bed for dragons. You could take it up to the park on the swings.
Hollie: it would sleep on the couch ’cause my bed’s only little. It would eat stones.
Fay: I’d give it oranges to eat because they’re so sweet.
Jade S: he would sleep next to me and keep me warmer than my hot water bottle. He would have chicken breast, peas and broccoli for tea. Me and the dragon would have a feast every night.
Aoife: I’d take it to my house and on a walk. Dragons eat apples.
Sophie M: I’d take him down the river to get some fish. He could roast it himself by breathing fire.
Sian: it would sleep under my bed and eat sausages and peas.
Oliver: I’d keep it where it would be safe – in a cage so it wouldn’t run away.
Effy: if I had a dragon, I’d keep it in a tent inside. You’d need a big tent. I’d feed it leaves.
Conan: I’d keep it in a cage but inside to keep it warm. I’d give it chicken and peas.
Willow: I’d keep it in my tree house. My Mummy said it’s for your teddies and your dragon.
Torrin: I’d keep it in a basket made out of metal with a metal lid and a lock so it can’t get out. I’d give it something to eat after it had a sleep. It might run away to a knight’s home.
Ewan: I’d keep my dragon in my wardrobe so it wouldn’t fly away.
Zander: he would sleep under my bed to keep my feet warm. I’d give him macaroni.
Dylan: I’d keep him under the bed and give him spaghetti.
Theo: I’d keep it in the living room on the couch. I’d give it cereal – I think it would like Cheerios.
Ben: it would sleep in my cat’s room and eat pizza with pepperoni.

What a lot of super ideas and there were many more. So now we have plenty suggestions of what to do if a dragon ever comes to stay.

Blog Visitors

It seems a long time since the early days of our blog in October 2010 but in that time it has grown, providing an opportunity for families to gain an insight into the life of our Nursery.
In April 2011 we added a Clustrmaps counter to measure the number of visitors to our site and we are delighted to say that we have now had more than 30 000 visitors in that time. If you click on the small map, further down this page on the right, you can see that we have had visitors from 64 countries. We are particularly delighted to have had 101 visitors from Poland and hope that we are helping some of our children’s families to keep in touch with what’s happening in our Nursery, despite living far away.
We really appreciate the comments on our posts as this, hopefully, helps to make it a fun, shared site for everyone. Thank you for your continued support in keeping our blog active. We hope that you find it helpful.

Family Breakfast

We have had two comments about our recent Family Breakfast. Eileen, Family Learning Co-ordinator, liked the tattie scones that Mollie made:

“The heart tattie scones look lovely. Thanks for the photo.”

Kacey’s Mum enjoyed our breakfast:

“It was lovely to see lots of adults at the nursery breakfast KACEY enjoyed trying all the different things ,her favourite was the raisins.”

We were delighted to see so many families join us on those days too. It was great to have the chance to spend more time with everyone.

Who Do You Love?

With the approach of Valentine’s Day, we have been talking about who we love. As a home activity, the children drew someone they love and told us why they love them. The children’s work is displayed in the corridor and it has certainly put a smile on our faces so please take the time to have a look at them all. We thought that we would share a selection with you.

Isaac: I love Mummy and Granny. Mummy because she gives me lots of cuddles and Granny buys me cakes.
Emma: Grandma and Grandad because we bake cakes together.
Fearne: my Nana Lorna because she gives me good cuddles.
Orla: Mollie, Mrs. Kirkpatrick and Emma because they are all my friends.
Darcy: Daddy and Mummy because they are my best family.
Ewan: Mummy because she always plays with me.
Willow: Summer and Devon because they are nice to me.
Sophie M.: Nana, Papa, Daddy, Mummy, Neve and Jarvis because they are my favourite. They are my family.
Zander: Sophie and my family. Sophie as she has nice hair, Daddy because he’s fun to play, Mummy – best cuddles, Katie – best sister and Hector – best dog.
Joe H.: my Daddy because he takes me on adventures, plays football with me and we visit the horses.
Finlay G.: my Mummy because she’s my best friend.
Kacey: Mummy, Daddy, Niamh, Hayden and Jasper and Milo, my pet cats, because they are my favourite people ever.
Lucas: Mummy and Daddy – they are the best in the world.
Paulina: my Mum and Dad because they love me and buy me a lot of toys.
Julia: all my family because family is the most important.

Parent Comments

Two of our families have left recent comments on our photos. Sophie S’s Mum enjoyed our Family Breakfast event:

“sophie and neve her little sister had a fantastic time at the nursery breakfast neve enjoyed it so much she didn’t want to leave.”

It was lovely that some little brothers and sisters were able to join us and we’re glad that you all had a good time.

Julia’s Mum has been looking back at some of the photos with the Primary 6 buddies:

“What a lovely picture of Julia reading with one of the Primary 6’s. She often talks about the “Big girls” coming to Nursery and is already wondering who her buddy will be!”

Primary 6 children are doing a great job and are building good relationships with the Nursery children so thank you very much to them for some super work.

Family Breakfast With The Rainbow Room

As promised, we have a selection of photos from the Family Breakfast event with the children and their families from the Rainbow Room. Judging by the evaluation slips you were kind enough to complete, everyone enjoyed this opportunity and some commented that their children had tried different foods for the first time which is great to hear. Thank you to everyone who was able to join us over the two days and thank you to Eileen for organising another lovely family event.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Sunshine Breakfasts

Our Family Breakfast event last week was very well attended on both days. This was a new venture organised with Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, as a celebration of our learning about Scotland and it seemed to be a popular addition to our family activities.
Thank you to all the adults who joined in the spirit of the occasion by singing along with the children and encouraging them to try the breakfast on offer. Cereal, various fruits, tattie scones and oatcakes provided a range of foods and most children enjoyed a good breakfast. We were delighted that some were encouraged to taste something they had not had before and found out that they actually liked it.
We hope that some of you have tried the recipes on the back of our menus with the children at home and look forward to hearing about it from them in Nursery.
Here are some photos of the Sunshine families having breakfast on Thursday. We will post the Rainbow Room photos soon.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

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