What Job Will You Do?

Doctors, nurses and patients have been filling the hospital in the Rainbow Room this week. At one point Mrs. Alexander paid a little visit for a check-up and we are pleased to say that the children sent her off fit and healthy. We feel sure that we have some future doctors and nurses in our Nursery as they have been looking after their patients so well.
To help the children learn more about the world of medicine, we also had a surprise visit one morning from Armana and Harper’s Papa who works as a paramedic. The children enjoyed learning all about the equipment he uses in his job and were excited to see inside the ambulance which he kindly brought to Nursery. Our visiting paramedic hopes to be able to call in another day to talk to the afternoon children so we should see him again soon.

Photo Comments

We have new two comments on our photos. Zander’s family’s is proud of his achievement  getting his certificate last week:

“Well done Zander. Keep up the good work, Love Mum & Dad xx”

We agree Zander – you did very well and deserved your certificate.

It was great to hear that Keira R had been talking at home about our visit from the Financial Education Officer:

“Keira came home and was excited about the money rubbing picture and learning about the size and shape of the coins. I’m sure that the difference between a penny and pound has been well noted by her.
I would like to say that I like the colourful activity and children’s pictures on the ‘banners’ above the blog the collage one is super.”

We are glad that you like the banners at the top of the blog. Some of these have been updated earlier this week and include photos of many of the children. The banners change every time you visit the blog so if you keep refreshing the page you should see the two new banners featuring different activities and children.

Buddy Chat

The Primary 6 children have been visiting Nursery for some time now and are developing into kind and helpful buddies. Last week they came to chat to some of the children about a joint project. They listened to the ideas of the Nursery children and have gone back to their classroom to plan a game that they will be able to play together. Here you can see some of the buddies in action chatting to our Nursery children. Thank you for being good listeners Primary 6 – we are looking forward to you showing the children what you come up with as an activity.

World Book Day

We would like to remind you that we will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 5th March with a visit to Annan library for some storytelling. As part of a whole school event, the children are also invited to come to Nursery in their pyjamas with their favourite book. If your child is wearing pyjamas that day, please ensure that they are warm enough, perhaps with something underneath their pyjamas, and that they have a cosy coat for the walk to the library. Please return your permission slip to Nursery as soon as possible if you have not already done so. Thank you.

Learning About Money

Last week the morning children had a visit from the Financial Education Officer who provided a range of activities to involve the children in thinking about money and how we use it.
It comes as no surprise that they had lots of ideas about how they like to spend money and they enjoyed taking part in the interactive reading session which included lots of rhyme and actions. There was an activity to learn about the value of different coins and the children then had great fun making rubbings of coins. Thank you very much to Bev, the Financial Education Officer. We look forward to your visit next term when the afternoon children will enjoy learning about money with you.

Moving On

With Nursery enrolment tomorrow and Thursday (25th and 26th February), we are already beginning to think of next school year. If your child is returning to Nursery in August and does not already have an enrolment form, you will be able to complete one at the school office. Apologies if anyone has not received a form in advance but we will give you one when you come to enrol.
As some children enrol for another Nursery year, others are preparing for the move to Primary 1 and some have been visiting the Primary 1 classrooms to build their confidence and familiarise themselves with the Primary 1 environment. These first visits have been a great success with the children enjoying investigating the various areas and becoming involved in some of the activities on offer. Thank you to Miss Campbell and Mrs.Lindsay, as well as all the children in P1 and 1/2, for making us feel welcome. We will come to visit again soon.


Please remember that Wednesday and Thursday (25th and 26th February) are enrolment days for Nursery. If your child is already in Nursery and returning next year you should have your form. If your child is hoping to start Nursery in the next academic year, please come to the school office to complete the enrolment form. We look forward to seeing you there.

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