Fun Activity Day

The children have been practising their running, jumping and throwing skills to prepare for our Fun Activity session on Tuesday. They have shown good teamwork and had great fun although at times, as you can see from the photos, we have had to have our coats on due to chilly weather. We are looking forward to lots of families cheering the children on as they show you what they can do. Fingers crossed that we get some sunshine on Tuesday.

Moving On

Lots of the children are beginning to talk about the move to Primary 1 and several teachers from different schools will be visiting us in the next few weeks to meet their new pupils. Ava’s family left us a lovely comment about her visit from Mrs.Corrie:

“Ava enjoyed meeting her new Primary 1 teacher and is looking forward to starting at Elmvale, but will miss all her new friends she made at nursery.”

We will miss all the children too when they move on but it’s always great to see how they have grown in confidence and are ready for the next step in their lives.

Money Matters

Recently the afternoon children had a visit from the Financial Education Officer to talk about what we do with money and to help them in their work on coin recognition. They loved the story just as much as the morning children had earlier this year and took part enthusiastically in all the actions. Bev’s huge purse held the children’s interest and they enjoyed the magic of coin rubbing which led to further discussion of what each coin was worth. We would like to thank Bev for her visit and look forward to seeing her again next year.

Special Visitor

Children who will soon move on to Primary 1 at Elmvale Primary enjoyed a lovely visit yesterday from Mrs. Corrie who will be their teacher next year. It was a great opportunity for them to chat to her and show her their “special books”. Mrs. Corrie enjoyed getting to meet the children and, judging by the big smiles on their faces, they were excited to meet her. Thank you Mrs. Corrie for visiting us – it was lovely to see you.

Den Building

The children who are moving to Primary 1 at Hecklegirth next year were back out in the playground with their buddies and the rest of the school today. They seem to growing in confidence and having fun whether they are on the timber trail, playing football or on the number games. The buddies have also still been visiting Nursery on a Friday and we wanted to share this lovely photos of some of the older children making a den with the Nursery children last week. Well done for being such good role models – all the children love your visits, whether they have a buddy or not.
Click on the photo for a clearer view.

Sunflower Planting

To tie in with our Family Learning growing project and work based on our learning about Vincent Van Gogh, the children have been planting sunflowers as well as painting them. Everyone should now have a little pot with their sunflower seed at home and the children should be able to tell their families what they need to do to look after it. Hopefully, they will be able to bring their plants or a photo back to Nursery later in the term to show us how well they are growing.
In the meantime here are some photos and comments from the planting activity.

Ava T: you put a seed in and some compost inside.
Jade: we were planting sunflowers. We give them sunshine and water and I’m caring for mine.
Teigan: we made our own flowers and gave them water.
Conan: it was Vincent Van Gogh who did the sunflowers.
Suzie: you put soil in then you put the seed in then you water it then you take it home.
Josie: when you make plants you need water and seeds.
Lexi: we were making sunflowers. You put soil in then plant a seed. Water makes them grow.
Logan: we were planting flowers. You need sun and water to make them grow.

Sunflower Gallery

Carmen’s Mum was impressed with everyone’s sunflowers:

“Aw this is right down Carmen’s street. She just loves drawing pictures of flowers. She loves to pick them too and brings them to me with a smile. How can I refuse, even tho I’ve not got many flowers left in the garden after Carmen’s been. Lovely display of pictures here. Well done boys and girls they look great.”

Carmen does loves flowers. We’ve noticed that too. Well done everyone with your super artwork.

Buddy Fun

We have had another lovely comment about our buddies from Freya’s family:

“Freya loves when her buddy Tyra comes to visit her in nursery. It’s lovely for mummy & daddy to hear all the stories of the fun times they have together & reassuring Freya will have someone to look out for her in P1. Thank you Tyra “

Freya and Tyra are certainly having fun together in Nursery and the playground. Sounds like Freya will be looking forward to Tyra looking after her when she moves to Primary 1.

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