To celebrate World Book Day, the afternoon children paid a visit to Annan library today. They enjoyed Tina’s stories as much as the morning children had and were also keen to share their ideas when we discussed some of the stories. It was super to see that Tina had some dual language books and we enjoyed hearing the Polish words for the different animals when we read “Dear Zoo”. Thank you to the Polish parents who helped us to translate and thank you to all those parents who took the time to come to the library with us. Without your help we would not be able to take the children visits outside school. If any parent would like an application form to allow their child join the library, we have some in Nursery so please just ask.
Category: 2013-2014
Library Visit Is A Success
Thank you to Liam and Sophie’s Mums for their comments about our visit to the library.
Sophie L.’s Mum: “I had a fantastic time coming to the Library, its certainly true that they were all very well behaved, such a credit to the School, well done!”
Liam’s Mum: “Liam had a great time at the Library. Thats all he talked about all day”.
It’s good to hear that children and parents enjoy our visits into the community. The children’s behaviour was very good and it’s nice to hear that Nursery is a credit to the school. Well done boys and girls!
Pancake Day
We couldn’t let Pancake Day pass without a mention so the children have been finding out a little about what it signifies. The thought of forty days until Easter certainly sparked some interest and discussion as the children realised that this meant forty days until Easter eggs arrived. They did also show some understanding of what pancakes were made of and why we have them.
Watching a pancake race on the Promethean board inspired some to have fun trying out pancake tossing themselves and lots of children told us that they were having pancakes at home tonight so we hope that you all enjoyed Pancake Day.
Library Visit
The morning children paid a visit to our local library today as part of learning about our community and to celebrate World Book Day which is on Thursday. Everyone seemed to enjoy the super stories read by Tina and there was plenty opportunity for the children to discuss their own ideas after each one.
Lots of children seemed to be familiar with the library and hopefully more may join after their visit today. Thank you to all the parents who came along with us. We really appreciate your help. Thank you also to the children for making us very proud of you – your behaviour was excellent on the walk there and inside the library.
Click then click again on the photos to make them bigger.
Doctors and Dentists
We would like to share more of the children’s ideas about what people do as part of their work. Our photos of the doctor’s surgery led to discussions about doctors and dentists.
Isla: you go to the dentist to sort your teeth.
Joey: they take your teeth out if they’re sore.
Amy-Leigh: the dentist might take a tooth out when you’re asleep.
Zachary: the dentist counts your teeth.
Ava V.: the dentist makes sure you clean your teeth.
Bethany: a dentist looks after teeth.
Mikey: the doctor says, “Don’t go to school tomorrow”.
Freya: the doctor makes you feel better.
Ben: we have a hospital and doctor’s in Annan. When you’re old they put something in your mouth and you get better.
I wonder if any of the boys or girls in Nursery will be doctors or dentists one day?
Primary 6 Visits
Thank you to Alex from Primary 6 for her kind comment on helping out in Nursery:
“I had a great time in the nursery with the wee ones.”
You are all doing a good job and the Nursery children obviously enjoy your visits so keep up the good work Primary 6. Thank you Alex for taking the time to look at our blog.
What Happens In The Police Station?
Part of our learning about our community is to develop an understanding of which jobs people can do and where they work. We have been looking at photos of a range of buildings in Annan and discussing what happens in them. The children are beginning to think about their community and we are having some interesting discussions about it.
Here are a few of their ideas about the police station.
Savannah: the police take away the bad people.
Mary: if we lose things we go to the police.
Rebecca: my Mummy lost her purse so we went to the police station.
Max: you ask a policeman if you get lost.
Mikey: the police have a car that goes vroom.
Dan: the police arrest people that’s bad.
Ben: police put the bad men in jail.
Archie: policemen work in the police station.
We think that P.C. Leggett will be impressed by the children’s knowledge when we visit the police station. He is looking forward to our visit when we can learn more about his job.
Our Community
As we begin to learn about our community and the jobs that people do there, the children are showing an interest in painting some of the vehicles that are used as part of people’s work. As you can see, fire engines and ambulances are the current favourites.
We would be delighted if parents/carers were able to come in to chat to the children about their jobs. It makes no difference what your job is, the children love to have visitors and it helps them to understand the world of work that they will become part of in the future. Please speak to staff if you are able to help us in this way.
Love Comments
Bethany’s family enjoyed the comments about love and how we can show it:
“This really made us laugh, thank you!”
The children do come with some lovely ideas don’t they?
Special Books
We hope that everyone has enjoyed having their “special books” home. No doubt your families will be very proud of all your achievements. Thank you to those who returned their books to Nursery today and to those who took the time to complete our comment sheet.
We ask that all the “special books” are returned tomorrow (21.2.14) to allow staff to continue to record achievements. However, please remember that the books are on display in Nursery for you to pick up at any time.