Curriculum for Excellence Factfile

 A factfile has been published by the Scottish Government, following requests from various quarters, including parents, employers and the community learning and development sector. This provides a handy summary of the key features of Curriculum for Excellence and the main language and terms used to describe these.

The document includes the four capacities; the seven principles of curriculum design; the eight curriculum areas; the experiences and outcomes; levels; entitlements, assessment and many other aspects of the Scottish 3-18 curriculum.

To refer to this, please click on “Curriculum for Excellence Factfile” on the right, under “Useful Links”. We hope that this helps to answer some questions you may have, regarding Curriculum for Excellence.

Milly and Timmy Come to Play

We hope you like the latest visitors to our Nursery. The children loved meeting Milly and Timmy who were very patient and allowed us to stroke and feed them. We hope you enjoy some of our comments and photos of our latest visitors.

Sarah  They’re really cute. They’re littler than a tiny star and they’re not  pretend.

Nairn  I’m going to take my bike and work on the farm and when it’s dark and the lambs run away, I’m going to bring them back to the farm.

Poppy   They were both looking right at me. They’re so cute.

Ellie    One had a sore knee. I hope it gets better.

Summer  We fed the little lambs and one tried to go to sleep.

Niamh  I liked patting them. They felt soft.


Our Special Books

Have a look at your special book!

The children’s “special books” will be sent home next week, prior to our parental consultations. The personal learning plan is a shared document between children, parents/carers and the Nursery staff to celebrate the children’s learning and development during their time in Nursery. We encourage parents to record any achievements from home that they feel are important for their child. Lately, for example, we have been able to record someone learning to ride their bike without stabilisers, which we all know is a wonderful landmark in every childhood and deserves pride of place in this record of achievements.

 We would like to remind parents/carers that these books are on display to browse at any time. The children often look at them during the Nursery session and love to show them to their families. However, we hope that everyone enjoys having their “special book” home for a few days.

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