Food Fun

In Nursery we often talk about healthy and unhealthy foods as we prepare snack together and the children are developing an understanding of the difference between them. They have talked about some foods being good to eat lots and some less often. Most have grown in confidence to try different foods as the year has progressed and fruit and vegetables, for example, are a regular part of their snack time each day.

As a fun game, get the children to look at a range of foods in their kitchen and see if they can sort them into healthy and unhealthy foods. They could then sort fruit and vegetables (fresh and tinned) into those they like and those they do not like.

In the past we have looked at the work of artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo who created faces out of food in his work. It’s always great fun to try this with the children using foods, or anything else you have available, to create a face. Maybe you could create one from things you find outdoors? We would love it if you sent us photos of your work via the school office at

We would like to share this Sticky Kids video about eating fruit and vegetables for the children to sing and dance along to as they play. Sticky Kids is very popular in Nursery so the children will no doubt love to join in. Refresh our page to see the video again.

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