Throughout last week the children have explored Bonfire Night through a series of activities with Miss Palmer. These activities also aimed to give the children freedom and options to promote creativeness.
Overall I have enjoyed carrying out all these activities with your children, the children have also had lots of fun learning about Bonfire Night through art and crafts, role play and discussions.
The activities included a ‘firework’ sensory activity with foam, glitter, lots of colourful letters which had allowed the children to practice writing letters of the alphabet.
The next follow on activity allowed the children to carry out role play at our ‘bonfire’ tray.
Recycling cardboard tubes, the children created their own ‘firework’ paintings.
Using their measuring skills, the children made play-dough and created ‘firework’ shapes.
The children used their hands as their main tool to create colourful ‘firework’ paintings.
Taking our learning outdoors, the children got creative ‘splatting’ lots of colourful paint on to one big art work piece.
Finally, several aspects of the activities were brought together to display the children’s work. The children loved seeing their hand prints all put together to create one big ‘bonfire’.