As part of our learning about the changing seasons, we have been talking to the children about how they know it is winter and what happens in winter. Here are a few of their ideas.
Crue: it gets very cold.
Fraser: robins come out. It’s minus one.
Alexa: it’s slippery ice.
Brooke: the water will freeze. We need to wrap up warm. We need a furry coat.
Jasmin: Santa comes and presents.
Annalise: it gets so cold.
Frankie: you can build a snowman. You need two snowballs, a big one and a little one.
Penny: the trees have no leaves.
Emily: the clouds are holding the snow. When the snow gets bigger, it comes out.
Skye: you might slip on your bottom.
Imoen: the snowflakes are on the car when it snows.
Olivia: we should leave bread out for the birds.
Tom: it snows.
Aoife: we need boots. We need to give the birds berries because they are hungry.
James: we need to wrap up warm.
Cali: we can throw snowballs.
Priya: there’s lots of snow on the trees.
We think that the children have some good ideas about the signs of winter. I wonder what they can see coming to Nursery that tells them it is winter time?