Last week’s story of the nativity has made an impression on the children. As you can see, some of them have been recreating the story through role play and some are able to talk about it. Some of their ideas may not all be exactly how we told the story but you can see that they have understood much of the detail.
Brogan: baby Jesus slept in the hay. A queen came to see him.
Archie: well what happened was this … they couldn’t find a hotel so they had to go to a farm. A king came to see him.
Ava V.: there were wise old kings in the story.
Bethany: Jesus had a manger not a cot. Mary is his Mummy.
Sophie S.: Joseph was the Daddy. Mary was the Mum.
Zachary: Jesus was in the story and three wise men.
Riley: Jesus got born in the hay.
Freya: Jesus’ Mummy was Mary.
Simon: baby Jesus never found anywhere to sleep. He had to sleep in the hay.
Jayden: he slept in the hay ’cause there was no beds for him.
Amy-Leigh: baby Jesus was born on his birthday.
Carmen and Logan look great dressed up as Mary and Joseph. She couldn’t wait to tell me. She said I had the best day ever at nursery mum I got to dress up. You made a little girl very happy. It’s the first thing she does when she comes home. She runs upstairs off with the nursery clothes and on with the princess dress or fairy dress.
Some great opinions from the class.