Our Fun Activity Day started with a huge surprise when we were presented with a very generous cheque, as well as a beautiful bench and weather vane for the Nursery garden. We would like to extend huge thanks to everyone who organised, contributed to or took part in the secret sponsored walk to raise this amazing amount of money for our Nursery. We feel quite overwhelmed by this generosity and are considering carefully how to spend your donation wisely.
Despite a mixture of sunshine and showers, the children continued happily round the fun activities and seemed pleased to show off their skills to family and friends. They worked well together in teams and showed good support for each other. Primary 6 did a great job of encouraging and praising the children and Callum, Active Schools Co-ordinator, helped us enormously by managing everyone’s movement round the field.
None of this would have been possible without the enthusiastic participation of the Nursery children who, as always, made us very proud of their excellent behaviour on an exciting day. Well done boys and girls!