Nursery Bird Hide and Wildlife Project

We were successful in applying for funding of £4306.04 to develop a bird hide area/bird project in the Nursery garden. The RSPB have given us helpful advice and a field teacher from the RSPB has been helping the children to learn about how to care for birds in our garden. The project aims to develop children’s open ended play, independence, problem solving, literacy and numeracy skills and ICT skills. The children will be able to access resources such as binoculars, clipboards, magnifying glasses and reference materials independently to develop their play. We are looking forward to getting the “jungle hut” ready to use for the children to relax and look for birds. We will need some parent helpers soon to be involved in helping the children and extending their learning outdoors. If you would like to help, please speak to any member of the Nursery staff team. Keep checking the blog for new bird project photos!

Making birds with sticky shapes
Children have been bringing in items from home to show the other children and staff.
Observational drawings
Using the whiteboard to find out about birds
Making bird seed cake
Taking part in the RSPB bird watch

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