Category Archives: Uncategorized

Friday 15th May 2020


Literacy – Reading Focus

  1. Read a chapter of a book.
  2. Complete a reading challenge from the grid that is in your home learning packs.

Maths- All groups

Today you are going to revise area and perimeter that you did with Mrs Robertson.  Click the links below for a little reminder and then complete the worksheet.  I will post answers at 3pm.

How to work out the area of a shape …

How to work out the perimeter of a shape…

Calculate the perimeter of the shapes below.

Calculate the area of the shapes below.  Remember you need to use your times tables knowledge.

Have a great weekend Primary 6💚

Missing you all ✨


THURSDAY 14th May 2020

Hello everyone!

Please please please send over your positive thoughts post✨


  1. Words of the day are devoured and crippled. For each word I would like you to;

Find the definition

Find a synonym

Find an antonym

Include it in a sentence

2.  BBC daily lesson using inverted commas. Watch the videos and complete the activities.
3. Complete this short worksheet or record in your jotter.


🔴 – What are factors? (Revision).  Click the link and watch the videos to remind you of factors.  Complete the activities on the website followed by the worksheet below.  Then if you have time spend 10 minutes on Topmarks  practicing your times tables.

🔺🟥- you are working with square and cube numbers.  Click the link below to remind you of those and complete the activities followed by the worksheet below.  🔥 If you fancy a challenge complete question C.

I will post answers at 3pm.

Have a wonderful day ☀️

Wednesday 13th May 2020

Good Morning Everyone!💚

Today I am going to give you a lockdown task focusing on positive thoughts.  Mrs Lowden sent this PowerPoint and it highlights the importance of staying positive.  I would like you to;

  1. Read through the PowerPoint.
  2. Create a poster with a positive message.  You can do this on a computer or with pens/paints and paper.  Now remember it is to promote positive thinking, so make it attractive.
  3. Take a picture of your poster, either with you holding it or just the poster itself.  Make sure you write your name on it.
  4. Send your picture to my glow email.

I will make a video of all your messages and share it via the blog.  We are living in testing times and I know we are all missing each other, so it will be lovely for us all to read each other’s positive thoughts ✨

I will wait until Monday to give you time to create the poster and send it over to me.  It would be amazing if you could all participate 😃

Here is the PowerPoint …–hYg0_TCXD6HYnBndhGwKqvQJ85ByB9ciqbc1nrpO-qTBo47M66Moi3RREaXNKu73JZEdb7S0Xi9JW5W5SsMW0GKCmA9ARnCI3Iw4iJ21RM8scn7DulyoM7I69opuqCDaaP_rbiM2Kw1Zm0HryjqFwphEGNKKkjLqp74-OKJ1y0kLa_pqrIwG2o4_dQkyMV

A little reminder…


  1. Complete 1 challenge from the Rigour Calendar.
  2. Sumdog.
  3. Catch up on any work you haven’t completed. 🌟

Have a great day 🥳❤️

Tuesday 12th May 2020

Good Morning Primary 6! ☀️
I am missing you all today!

Remember do what you can.  If you are feeling overwhelmed  by the workload, take a break!

WONDEROPOLIS – this website holds many articles about the wonders of life.  I have selected an article titled, “Have you ever wondered what Earth would be like with no moon?”  I would like you to;

  1. Read the article.
  2. List new vocabulary and find the definitions of the words.
  3. Summarise the article.  Summarising requires you to write the key information from the article.  Just think, if someone was to read your summary they should gain a full idea of what the article is about.



  • Today you are going chose from the challenges below.  You might want to push yourself further today and challenge yourself? The challenges consist of 2,3,4,5 and 6 digit addition and subtraction.  If you want you can try a couple from an easier worksheet to warm you up and then move onto a hotter challenge.   Do what you are confident doing.  Use a calculator to mark your answers.







Have a lovely day!💛💚




🔴 – this is quite an easy task but you are working towards understanding what operation to use through the use of words.

  1. multiplying, answer=8
  2. dividing, answer=8
  3. multiplying, answer = 18
  4. dividing, answer = 4
  5. dividing, answer=2.



The Virtual Calming Room

Primary 6,  I found this ‘virtual calming room’ that has many strategies to help you with your emotions.  This uncertain time can make us all feel overwhelmed and anxious, so if you click the link there are lots of different activities you can engage with.
My favourite is the sounds and music tab.  Very relaxing!!💆🏻‍♀️❤️ Enjoy ✨

Monday 11th May 2020

Good Morning everyone! 😄Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.☀️


  1. Revision of metaphors.  Click the link below to access a short video.  With the video there is a quiz you can complete.  It might be interesting to do the quiz first to see how much you remember?
  2. Now complete the activity. We did this before, way back in October.  Think carefully  about what the metaphor means.  If it states “it’s raining cats and dogs”, is it really raining cats and dogs or is there a different meaning behind it?


  1. Each group is to spend 5 minutes on hit the button to practice their mental maths, focus on division.

2.  Each group has a task set below, complete the task and I will post answers later in the day. Triangles and squares you are both dividing with and without remainders.  Take your time.  Circles you are working with word problems.





🌍 Continue with your research about meteorites.  Find all you need at

Watch this  short animated video that presents some facts about meteors.

Have a great day! ❤️