Wednesday 13th May 2020

Good Morning Everyone!💚

Today I am going to give you a lockdown task focusing on positive thoughts.  Mrs Lowden sent this PowerPoint and it highlights the importance of staying positive.  I would like you to;

  1. Read through the PowerPoint.
  2. Create a poster with a positive message.  You can do this on a computer or with pens/paints and paper.  Now remember it is to promote positive thinking, so make it attractive.
  3. Take a picture of your poster, either with you holding it or just the poster itself.  Make sure you write your name on it.
  4. Send your picture to my glow email.

I will make a video of all your messages and share it via the blog.  We are living in testing times and I know we are all missing each other, so it will be lovely for us all to read each other’s positive thoughts ✨

I will wait until Monday to give you time to create the poster and send it over to me.  It would be amazing if you could all participate 😃

Here is the PowerPoint …–hYg0_TCXD6HYnBndhGwKqvQJ85ByB9ciqbc1nrpO-qTBo47M66Moi3RREaXNKu73JZEdb7S0Xi9JW5W5SsMW0GKCmA9ARnCI3Iw4iJ21RM8scn7DulyoM7I69opuqCDaaP_rbiM2Kw1Zm0HryjqFwphEGNKKkjLqp74-OKJ1y0kLa_pqrIwG2o4_dQkyMV

A little reminder…


  1. Complete 1 challenge from the Rigour Calendar.
  2. Sumdog.
  3. Catch up on any work you haven’t completed. 🌟

Have a great day 🥳❤️

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