Monday 13th April 2020

What is happening today?

  • PE with Joe Wicks or an alternative to wake you up!


  • Literacy – RWI spelling.  Ask a parent/carer or older sibling to read out 6 of your RWI words.  Spell and mark the words.  With incorrect spelling words pick a task from your spelling grid to practice the correct spelling.
  • Literacy – Simile Recap!  REMEMBER – A simile compares two different things using like or as.  For example, the man ran as fast as a cheetah.  This simile compares a man to a cheetah, using like or as.

Task 1 – Complete the simile…

  1.  She was as good as ….
  2. He was as quiet as a …..
  3. The boy was as brave as a ….
  4. They fought like ….

Task 2- Can you use similes to describe this picture?  Feel free to draw a picture and put it in your literacy book.

  • Maths –

Complete a worksheet of your choice.

Do 1 maths challenge from the Rigour maths calendar. Triangles and Squares choose second level and Circles choose first level.  The calendars are on the blog, just search ‘maths calendar’ and the links are there.

Then if you wish, spend some time on sumdog.


Have a nice day p6!

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