Tuesday 14th April 2020

Morning all!

The plan for today looks like….

  • PE with Joe Wicks.  Now you do not have to do this live, the videos are available at any time on YouTube.


  • Literacy-
  • Using the 6 RWI words from yesterday can you find the definition (what the word means) and a synonym   ( a word that means the same) for each word.  The use these words or the synonyms in a sentence.  It is probably easier for you to create a sentence for each word or if you want can try and use more than one of the words in a sentence.
  • Simile recap… Describe the pictures using similes.  Then pick a picture and write a paragraph describing the setting with the use of your similes.


  • Maths
  1. Complete a worksheet of your choice.
  2. Complete a rigour challenge.
  3. Try out maths factor.  You may need to create a log in but it is free.  Make your log in details simple. Make sure you click ‘child sign in’.  There is a 30 day challenge which I know you competitive ones would love.   Enjoy!

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