P5 Solo Talks

This term one of the compulsory homework tasks was to prepare a presentation on a subject of personal interest. The finished talks varied in topic – from lego to bacteria, horses to music and fashion to football.

We enjoyed listening to each other’s presenations and were full of questions at the end. Miss Douglas was also impressed by the effort each pupil put in and even though some were nervous, they still carried on with encouragent from their classmates.

P5 did a fantastic job, it was great to see some pupils highlighting words and details on their slides and elaborating further on their points. We all learned so much! Here are some of us in action:


Primary 5 Outdoor Learning – Data Handling

This week we began learning about data handling. We know that data or statistics is about collecting and showing information in way that makes it easy to read and draw conclusions from. This we have mainly focused on frequency tables and line graphs. On Friday we went outside and collected items to use as our ‘data’. We drew our own tables and graphs. We added some questions for other pairs to answer during a walkabout at the end of the activity. Next week, we will focus on bar graphs, pie charts and venn diagrams.