P5 P.E

In P.E we have been doing different warm – ups to raise our body temperature, increase our pulse-rate and mobilise our joints.  This helps to reduce our chances of injury and get oxygen flowing around our body.

We then played games to keep our heart rate up and keep us moving. At the end of the session,  we did some stretches to help our blood flow and heart rate to return to normal. We will continue to work on our fitness throughout the term.

P5 Play in the Pod/Literacy

On Thursday, we went out to play and used items from the pod to build all sorts of things.

We recently finished reading ‘The Midnight Gang’ and we watched the BBC adaption together this week. This helped to deepen our understanding of the book even further and was great fun to watch. We loved the characters and the adventures they went on. We have since written an adventure of our own for the Midnight Gang during our class literacy time.

We used some of the events/characters from the story to inspire our roleplay and creations during our time at the pod! You might notice some of us pretending to be hospital patients.

We love playing with friends and using our imagination to create nooks, dens, ships and houses in our outdoor space!

P5 Electricity

In term 2 we did lots of learning on electricity. We learnt about electrical and non-electrical appliances. We compared these and realised that life would be more difficult and everyday tasks would be more time consuming without electricity.

We learned that electricity is a secondary energy source. We know that it can be made in different ways in power stations. Electricity then travels to smaller sub-stations before reaching our homes through cables.

We know that current electricity is dangerous and we should make sensible choices to protect ourselves from it. We can identify different hazards and what to do if we spot one.

We also looked at symbols that represent electrical components and put together our own circuits.

Some of us brought in working electricity models we made at home!