P5 Scottish Wildlife

This term we have been learning about Scottish wildlife. Over the last week or so we have been studying red squirrels and wildcats.

It can be quite difficult to tell the difference between a wildcat and domestic cat but we now know what to look out for.  Wildcats are bigger and have thick, blunt tails. They also have more stripes than spots. They are quite shy and rarely seen in the wild. Hopefully we will see some at the Scottish Deer Centre when we visit on the 2nd of October!

Red squirrels have been one of our favourite creatures to learn about. They love to climb and leap. Squirrels are incredibly intelligent and they use their fluffy tails to help them balance and keep warm. They don’t like the bad weather, a bit like us!

We used some of our new knowledge to create fact sheets and posters. We discussed our new learning with others at our table.

We also had a visit from the SSPCA. We learnt more about wild animals in Scotland and played an animal card game. While playing the game, we had to read facts and win points. The game  suggested ways that we can look after wildlife in our area and also reminded of us of things that can be harmful to animals such as litter and goal nets.

Thank you Zuzia, Emma and Sarah for more lovely wildlife homework. ☺

Scottish Wildlife

This term we are learning about Scottish Wildlife and how to protect it. We have been studying deer and the important stages in their life. Together we sorted these stages into a life-cycle diagram. Some of us wrote our own information and added our own drawings. We can now tell the difference between the two main types of deer in Scotland; the red and roe deer.

P5 Maths Outside

On Friday we worked on multiplication and making different numbers. We counted on and back from zero and tapped our pegs on different multiples. We were pretty good at this until we had to pass our pegs around the circle at the same time!

We also spent some time in groups, problem solving. Each group was given different materials to use to make a maze. We then moved round in our groups, trying out each creation.