And now a keyboard player…
Well done!
And now a keyboard player…
Well done!
We loved seeing these bagpipes and hearing the noise they can make.
We think castle dwellers would have been entertained by bagpipes.
We learned that the stone from which castles were made from was not smooth. We made models of castles to stand up or be displayed. We found rough surfaces and did a crayon rubbing to give a rough effect.
We added features to the castle before cutting and sticking.
Some of us learned to label a picture of a castle. We used our “Fredding” skills to help with the spelling.
Some of us drew a character from a castle and gave him or her a name.
We have made pictures at home too!
These games help practice our learning in class. Select a game to suit your learning.
Practise counting:
Practise number stories of 10:
Practise stories of 10 or 20: ( Select bonds of 10 or 20)
This lets you play with beads ( like the ones in class) to make stories of 10 or 20 . Tell a grown up which number stories you have made.
Stories of 20:
Here’s an addition challenge:
Practise the order of numbers:
Use measurement language:
Need a partner for Connect 4 ? Play against the computer:
Build a castle:
Practise spelling and reading words:
Select the sound your reading group is practising this week and read the words:
Practise correct formation of letters:
Complete the jigsaw of Puss in Boots ( which we heard in class):
Don’t forget you can play Sumdog games at home too!( Log- ins sent home)
We have been learning that castles looked very different inside compared to our homes.
By playing in our castle we found many differences and discussed and recorded our findings.
We learned that entertainment would have been different with no TV. Jayden brought his mouth organ into school and entertained us whilst we made up a castle dance!
Today some of us explored number stories/ bonds to 20. We discovered a pattern. If you want to practise these stories, take this challenge:
Choose level 1, addition , then bonds to 20
We have been busy measuring to find who is the tallest and shortest.
Are you shorter or taller than your friend?
Some of us made play dough models of people and snakes and spoke about which was the tallest/ longest or shortest.
Others compared the length of items by using paper clips to measure the length of items in class.
P2 are so good at measuring!
We found clues in the golden box….
and discovered that we will be learning about castles.
We set about decorating our classroom door to look like a castle wall and making “stone” walls for our play castle.
We will be finding out who lived in castles, how they were made and making some model castles. If you can’t wait, here’s a chance to make a castle online.
We re visited our number bonds/stories of 10, finding as many ways of making 10 as possible, using different tools to help us.
Then we played this game to see how quickly we could recall these facts. It is SO useful to know these number bonds and we will be looking at how they appear in bigger numbers and so many numeracy tasks.
Select level 1 , then addition, then bonds to 10. Can you complete each sum in 5 seconds?
This term’s first Shout it Out certificates were awarded for skills practised at home and used at school.
Well done on tying shoelaces- this made changing for PE today so much easier, and for entertaining us- what a lot of words you learned and we loved those moves!