Primary 2 – a giant counting frame

We were very excited to receive a new tool to help with our learning. We made suggestions as to how it may help us learn.

We suggested counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s. We can use it to add and take away. We could use it for the 2 times table and even to measure height! We are really enjoying using it to learn more about number and maths.

Primary 2 – Visit from ducklings!

The nursery had a visit from a farmer with ducklings and P2 were lucky to see these ducklings too.  

Amy , who showed us her pet ducklings, told us about Open Farm Sunday, where visits to farms are available for families ( free of charge, but booking sometimes necessary)

We remembered our visit to Rosemary’s farm in term 1, and I have included the link to Open Farm Sunday in June.( Rosemary’s farm not included) in case anyone is interested in this activity.