It has been our final week with our Student Teacher Miss Grant. We have been learning lots!
In literacy we have been reading a new novel Georges Marvellous Medicine. It has lots of funny bits! We also did lots of exciting literacy learning linked to World Book Day. We had a number of guest readers, including Stewart and Erin from Tay Fm. They read us two stories all about poo and pants….yuck! We had great fun showing off our costumes at the whole school costume parade too!
In numeracy we have been working hard on number order and addition. We can use a range of strategies to find the correct answer quickly and confidently.
In PE we have been working on our balancing and jumping ability. We played lots of games to help us find a safe space and work together.
In IDL we have been learning more about our city and how it has changed over time. We have been focussing on the Tay Rail Bridge and the Law Hill. On Monday we will round of our weeks of trips by visiting The Discovery and the bridge. We can’t wait for another adventure!!!