Our last of 3 learning trips – The Discovery

Today we spent all day bringing our learning about Dundee’s ship building history to life on board the RRS Discovery. On route we spotted our friends Dennis and Gnasher along with other famous Beano comic characters. We toured the ship and learned all about the different jobs on board and what life was like for both the crew and the officers. We spoke about whether we would like to do these jobs, most of which were very dangerous.  We tried to figure out what different parts of the ships were and why they were important to the ships work during Antarctic expeditions. We saw where the crew slept and spend their free time and compared this with that of the Officers. Some of us thought we would prefer to be Officers because they had more space and their own beds, but others thought being with the crew was best because it was more cosy and you got a better sleep in a hammock. After lunch we learned more about being an explorer in the Antarctic by trying on some old and new clothes and discussing what we thought of them and why they were suited to work at the South Pole.  We watched a special movie with special wind and sound effects and took part in a group treasure hunt whilst exploring the museum and learning even more about the history of our city. It was a great day and we only just made it back to school in time!!!