All posts by Mrs Melville

Friday Fun Day

Good morning everyone,

Another week nearly completed and you have made it through.  Today ask your child what they would like to do-

  • Go for a walk
  • Film day/PJ day
  • Baking
  • Crafty day
  • Look through pictures/photo albums
  • Read their favourite story they picked this week
  • Build a den in the house
  • Yoga/mindfulness

Today do not stress on activities, relax and spend some together.  Relaxing is important. Some times we are super busy as parents and children are always on the go.

Have a lovely day and a fantastic weekend.

We miss you all, stay safe and keep going.



Good morning, today we shall focus on maths activities.

Set a timer and see how many items of clothes you can get on at once, count the items- How many can you get?

If you go out for a walk today, can you spot any numbers in your environment? Doors, signs, cars they can be found everywhere.

Think of a song that has numbers in, it is quite tricky.  I bet you can find more?  Let us know what you have found.

Please remember to fill out the forms I have posted.



Being Healthy

Good morning.

Today can you and your child take time to explore healthy foods.  Can you make a meal with your child, and allow them to help with the preparation.   It would be a good idea to let them see the process from beginning to end- Prep, making the meal and also tidying up/washing up.  This is something we offer in nursery and we try to encourage children to be independent as possible at nursery.


Here is a video made by Cathryn, she has recorded herself making playdough.  If you do not have flour/oil/salt at home let me know if this is something you cannot get, please let me know and we can organise something.



Can you click the link below regarding activities for your children.  Thank you.


Thank you again.  Natalie.

Musical Instruments

First Activity

Can you make your very own musical instrument.  Remember you can be creative and come up with new ideas. Lentils also make an interesting sound. Can you make an instrument and twirl (like our sparkle word) Discuss the sounds your instrument will make.

Drums- Saucepans, empty yoghurt pots

Shakers- Empty pots filled with rice/pasta/lentils

Anything your child can think of.  Please take pictures we would love to see the instruments you have created.

Second Activity

Today its nice and frosty outside, can you go for a walk and explore what you see?  Cripsy leaves, icy puddles and crunchy pathways.  Can you tell me what you have found on your walk?


Third Activity

Can you ask your child what their favourite song/dance/game or story is.  Spend some time together and sing/dance/play/read.


Have lovely day.  Stay safe and I hope you are keeping well?






Good afternoon.

Classdojo is no more- however we are hoping to use Seesaw, which is another form of app to communicate and share your child’s learning.  For your child to be added and use this app you will need to fill out a permissions form.  If you could do this as soon as possible that would be great. Any issues please email.


Once we have gone LIVE with the APP,  I will send out QR codes for you all to join.

Thank you


Literacy- Our ABC & Beyond Story

Good morning,

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.  Here is a link for our new story Hooray for Fish, written by Lucy Cousins.  This book is a great short book.

Jenny has kindly read the story and recorded herself to share with you all.  Our ‘sparkle word’ to focus on is twist (twisty) see how you can use this word at home during your day.  With the first read we talk about the front cover, what the book could be about? We also read the blurb at the back.  Once you have listened to the recording, as your child what they thought of the book, talk about the different patterns you both saw and see if you can design your very own fish.  (Send us in pictures to my email)

Story Link-

Today can you also explore various writing utensils, crayons, pencils, pens, sticks with mud, use utensils in the kitchen with paints anything you can get your hands on in the house, and create a picture with your child.  (If you find you need some writing utensils  get in touch)

Children who want to have a go- If you could write the first letter of your child’s name down/or get your child to have a go, grab a bag or a tub and have a scavenger hunt around the house for items that begin with your child’s letter.

Please contact me if you need anything or any support.

Keep well and stay safe.




Week 1

Hello everyone, I hope you are all well?  Here is where we will post all our learning from home activities.  If you need anything or require any help, let me know.

Thank you- Natalie and the team at St Marys.