Musical Instruments

First Activity

Can you make your very own musical instrument.  Remember you can be creative and come up with new ideas. Lentils also make an interesting sound. Can you make an instrument and twirl (like our sparkle word) Discuss the sounds your instrument will make.

Drums- Saucepans, empty yoghurt pots

Shakers- Empty pots filled with rice/pasta/lentils

Anything your child can think of.  Please take pictures we would love to see the instruments you have created.

Second Activity

Today its nice and frosty outside, can you go for a walk and explore what you see?  Cripsy leaves, icy puddles and crunchy pathways.  Can you tell me what you have found on your walk?


Third Activity

Can you ask your child what their favourite song/dance/game or story is.  Spend some time together and sing/dance/play/read.


Have lovely day.  Stay safe and I hope you are keeping well?





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