Our Learning 17.1.20

We did our first experiment this week, testing to see what kinds of materials float and sink. More importantly, we learned about predictions and making experiments fair.

We also finished our work on multiples and factors, all ready to begin a new topic next week.

We also had a lovely visit from Fr Ninian who spoke to us about the sacrament of confirmation and prayed with us.

Our big news this week is that from next week, Mrs Glancy will be our teacher. We look forward to showing her what we can do and learning even more from her.


First Week Back

We had a great Christmas break but have got right back into our learning this week! We all know about factors and multiples and can find common factors and common multiples of numbers.

We have been using digital technology a lot in our learning – our ePortfolios, our literacy lessons and consolidating our numeracy.

We have been doing Scottish Country Dancing but making it more fun by dancing to some of Mrs Simpson’s favourite tunes!

Our new topic this term is The Science Lab and we are looking forward to doing lots of experiments!