All posts by Mrs Corrie

Literacy Links for Home Learning

Here are some more links to websites for home learning, access to free books online as libraries are closed, and sites where books can e read to your child.
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Phonics activities for children to access at home on devices, plus ideas for carers.

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National Literacy Trust – free resources for parents to use with children. – a range of interactive games for all ages and covering different aspects of literacy. – massive range of stories read aloud by members of the screen actors guild. – phonics and literacy games all suitable for desktop, laptop and some mobile and tablet devices. – more access to free storybooks to read online.

Week beginning 02.03.20

This week is literacy week. We had a great time attending the story shuffle. We enjoyed being in other groups with other children from different classes and hearing lots of different stories.

We are still loving our time outside for daily 15. We took a break after maths to get us moving.


In PE we created gymnastics sequences. We were able to put balances, jumps and rolls together to make a mini routine.


As it was Mrs Shepherd last day on Friday we had a little party for her leaving, We will mis her lots and we wish her all the best for her future.

Week beginning 24.02.20

This week in maths we have ben learning our number bonds to 7. With Mrs Shepherd we used leaves to show the different ways we could make 7.

We also enjoyed Big Noise. We read The Snail on the Whale and made different noises for the characters in the story.

In IDL we learnt how to care for plants sand what seeds needed to grow. We then planted our own cress seeds with Mrs Shepherd. We cant wait to look after them ad watch them grow.

For PE we took some equipment outside and we explored the different ways we could play with our friends.

Week beginning 07.02.20

This week we have continued looking at different types of minibeasts. We investigated their habitats and sorted minibeasts into groups, eg;  those with legs, those with wings etc. We went outside to see what minibeasts we could find.


In maths we were looking at the story of 6. We have used numicon and 10 frames to investigate how many different ways we can add to 6.

In HWB  we were learning where food comes from. We learnt that milk comes from cows, eggs come from chickens, bread comes from wheat and chips come from potatoes.

Week beginning 13.01.20

This week in numeracy we have started to learning the number bonds to 5. We looked at all the different ways we could add to 5.

We had some digital technology time with the P7S. We created pictures of minibeasts using the active inspire software.

In H&WB we started to look at what animals live on a farm and where certain types of food comes from. We began to create our own farms.

Our new topic this term is all about minibeasts. We are going to have a ‘Creepy Crawly Corner’ for our roleplay area,  so we started colouring in some minibeast to help decorate our corner.

Week beginning 07.01.20

This week we have settled back into our school routine after enjoying our Christmas holidays .

In maths we have been recapping our counting skills within  numbers to 10.

In literacy  we wrote Thank You letters to Santa and learnt how to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

We have been learning about the new year and we made our own New Years resolutions and talked about what things we would like to get better at this year:  – We want to get better at tidying our rooms,  being kinder to our brothers and sisters and getting better at playing football!