
Another busy week again with lots of super learning. Well done to everyone for their focus and enthusiasm this week – you’ve all been super stars 🤩 Take a look at what we’ve been up to.


Lots of different activities for soft start this morning.

Massive Jenga fun.

Creating numeracy sums and working out the answer.  

Finding missing numbers.

Learning new card games.

Using our sounds to spell out 3 letter words.


Look at how well were getting on with our  Number Talk. Lots of number chat and ideas shared 💡 

We have been learning about different 2D shapes. Jaxon cut out different shapes and stuck them to this box.

These boys were doing super sums and using fab strategies in Number Talk 😍

Some of the girls were showing great 1:1 correspondence (pointing) when counting the animals under the sea.

Justin from Active Schools came to visit St Pius this week. We were working on our core movement skills. Some skills we were developing were balancing, running and hopping. We had GREAT fun! 


More super sums in Number Talk. Arlo worked out using arrays that 4 lots of 4 (4×4) is 16. Then you add 1 to make 17. How amazing!


In Big Noise we were showing brilliant listening skills. Kirsty and Stacey were so impressed! We have been working on tempo through different stories and movements. 

We were also practising our number formation in glitter✨ What fun!  


Jaxon worked out lots of subtraction sums which make the answer 12. Super perseverance, Jaxon! ⭐️

We were drawing different 2D and 3D shapes outside with chalk and also using our counting sticks to make shapes. 

🌟The P1/2 Star Pupil this week was Arlo. He showed excellent focus in Number Talk this week: persevering when things got tricky. Super effort, Arlo. 🌟

Such a super week. Well done for all your hard work P1/2. Have a great weekend – I can’t believe next week is our last week of Term 1!

Miss Mackay



We can’t believe how fast these weeks are flying! Here’s some snapshots of what we’ve been up to this week in P1/2.


Writing, spelling, making, creating, building, constructing, sharing, forming, practising, imagining and consolidating. Just some of the skills we’ve been working on this week so far.

Number Talk superstars! ⭐️ 0️⃣1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣5️⃣6️⃣7️⃣8️⃣9️⃣🔟


Junaid was Mrs Liang’s star pupil this week 😍 Miss Mackay forgot to hand hers out! Keep your eyes peeled on Monday to see who our class star was!

Theo was building a hotel of Tens this morning.

Ayla was practising number formation and wrote in the missing 100!

Dalia and Vincent were using Cuisinaire Roads to make pictures.

Adi, Pio and Alek’s were writing numbers to 100. Look and these smiley faces 😍

Arlo explained today that 3 + 3 + 3 = 9. He said that Number Blocks 9 helped him learn this. Super! ⭐️

We were making 2D shapes outside today using Rainbow Sticks. Miss Mackay would shout out the shape and we made them with our partners. Some were tricky but we persevered.

Great work everyone! Hope you all have a lovely weekend ☀️ Looking forward to next week 🤩

Miss Mackay


Star Pupil ⭐️

This weeks Star Pupil Award goes to Gracie Jack for always showing super listening skills. Well done, Gracie 😍⭐️👍🏻


What a super busy week! Here are some of the fun things we’ve been up to.

Lots of focus and concentration during Number Talk.


The P2s have been making and ordering numbers to 30 using Numicon. They’re getting super confident!


We did some Star Wars yoga to relax in the afternoon.

This morning we were practising our spelling and letter formations. Look at these super spellers! 😎


Ivy decided to practise some Numeracy work too! 😍 Tally marks in glitter!

Then, in the afternoon we talked about the qualities of a good friend. We talked a lot about kindness, love, sharing. We thought that a good friend can also make you laugh when you feel down. We went outside and collected things for our friendship potion. Here Ayla and Olivia explain their potion:


Ivy and Harleigh also thought that helping your friend when they’re hurt was important too!

Marianne and Lyla said that happiness is important too in friendships.

What amazing, thoughtful people Miss Mackay has in her class 🥰


We start our day off with a soft start. Here we consolidate our learning. Alek’s is using his knowledge of shapes and construction to build a garage for his toy car 🤩


Look at Lyla’s beautiful writing too!

Emily-Mae and Sophie were busy practising their spelling using play dough.

Alek’s also had fun with our new Number Blocks resource. He followed the magazine to make different numbers (16-20). He compared them to the Numicon too and made them look the same. Super work, Alek’s!

We’ve been super busy during Number Talk too. Mrs Robertson said everyone was focusing so well and persevered when it got tricky. Great number discussions too 😍

P2s we’re making numbers from 1-30 using Ten Frames.

P1s we’re practising number formations with Mrs Robertson.


We had our first Big Noise session this morning and LOVED it. So happy to have Stacey and Kirsty back 😊


Having fun learning and using giant Numicon!

Dalia and Gracie created a sea side landscape together.  The blue stones are the sea. The green represents the seaweed. In the sea there are two whales swimming together. There is also fish stuck in rock pools. Well done, girls 👍🏻

Super play doh skills for the Three Little Pigs and a funny puppet show 😀

What a busy week. Well done everyone for working so so hard. Can’t wait for next weeks fun!

Miss Mackay




We’ve had such a busy week! Our P1s started full time and we’re all getting along amazingly 😍


Practising counting forwards and backwards from 1-10 using giant Numicon. We had great fun.


Dalia shared with us some of her learning during Lockdown. She learnt Spanish! Miss Mackay was blown away with how hard Dalia worked. We can’t wait until Dalia teaches us how to count to 10 in Spanish next week.



Look at these Number Talk geniuses! Everyone works so hard during Number Talk. This is how we start off our numeracy lessons. Through doing this we are developing our conceptual understanding of Numeracy.


We we’re using Paint on the tablets. We learnt how to use different tools and had fun exploring. We also practised how to open a new document.


We had so much fun today making alternative endings for the Three Little Pigs. Some of the suggestions were:

  • The wolf was hunting the pigs with his brother.
  • The wolf was being kind to the pigs because he was a vegetarian.
  • The Three Little Pigs all built houses made of bricks so none could be blown down.

Super work this week, everyone! I can’t wait until next week. Have a super weekend 😀

Miss Mackay


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