Week beginning 31.08.21

We have had such a busy week in Primary 1. We have loved being in full days and we have done lots of learning.

In literacy we have practised writing our name. We have learnt 3 new sounds; p, g and o. We have practised our formation of letters and saying our sounds. We read the story of the Gingerbread Man and made missing posters for him!!

In maths and numeracy we have been doing lots of counting forwards and backwards. We have been focusing on ordering numbers and figuring out what numbers come before and after, We have also learn about 2d shapes and we created a shape pizza using. circles, triangles, squares and rectangles.

Our topic has been learning about our community. We looked at our local are and discussed all the people that can help us. We then talked about our journey to school and drew pictures of what things we see on our journey to school.

Unfortunately there seems to be a problem just now and we can’t upload any photos 🙁

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