5. Dundee Street Songs

Eh’ll tell the boaby,
Eh’ll tell the boaby,
Eh’ll tell the boaby,
If ye lay a hand on me.

Sixty days in the tripe shop,
Sixty days in the tripe shop,
Sixty days in the tripe shop,
If ye lay a hand on me.

Muggie fell doon the mill dam,
Doon the mill dam fell muggie;
Muggie fell doon the mill dam,
And doon the mill dam fell …
Muggie fell doon the mill dam,
Doon the mill dam fell muggie;
Muggie fell doon the mill dam,
And doon the mill dam fell Muggie.

Johnny the barber shaved his father
Wi’ a roosty razzor;
The razzor broke an’ cut his throat,
Hurray for Johnny the barber!

There’s a mannie in yer loaby Mary Ann,
There’s a mannie in yer loaby Mary Ann,
There’s a mannie in yer loaby,
Ye’d better get the boaby,
There’s a mannie in yer loaby Mary Ann.

I like coffee, I like tea,
I like the boys and the boys like me;
I like to touch the ground,
I like to twirl around,
I like to play at…

One, two, three, a-learie,
I saw Mrs Beerie
Sittin on her bumbaleerie
Eatin’ chocolate sodgers.

Eh’m goin awa’ on the train,
You’re no comin’ wi’ me;
Eh’ve got a lad o’ ma ain,
An’ his name is guilty Jeemy.

He wears a tartan kilt,
He wears it in the fashion,
An’ every time he turns aroon’
I canna help fae laughin’.

Eh’ll awa hame tae my mother ah wull,
Eh’ll awa hame tae my mother ah wull,
She keeps a wee hoose at the tap o’ the hull.
An’ sells a wee drappie at tuppence a gill.

Eh’ll no’ bide wi’ my granny nae mair,
Eh’ll no’ bide wi’ my granny nae mair,
She skelps ma ja’ an’ she pu’s ma hair,
Eh’ll no’ bide wi’ my granny nae mair,

Eh’ll awa hame tae my mother ah wull,
Eh’ll awa hame tae my mother ah wull,
She keeps a wee hoose at the tap o’ the hull
An’ sells a wee drappie at tuppence a gill.

Five, ten, fifteen, twenty,
Time! Comin’ ready or not!

Meh lad’s a terry, meh lad’s a toff,
Meh lad can wear a hat,
Your lad can swank like that;
He says he loves me,
I know he does,
Meh lad’s a terry toff.

Wha wad like tae be a boaby,
Dressed in boaby’s claes?
Wi’ a sugarelly hat
And a belly fu’ o’ fat
And a tuppenny mealie pudding for a nose.

Vote, vote, vote for Neddy Scrimgeor,
He’s the man tae gi’ ye ham an’ eggs;
If ye dinna vote for him,
He will bash yer windaes in,
An’ ye’ll niver see yer windaes any mair.

Eenity feenity, fickety feg,
Ell, dell, dominell;
Irky birky starry rock,
An, tan, two’s Jock.
Jock oot, Jock in,
Jock jumped ower the heckle pin.
Jock a-mell, a-mell a-mower,
Ain twa, three, fower!

One fine day, a bonnie bonnie day,
I met my Auntie Mary;
She gied me a penny,
Tae buy whit I liked,
So I bocht a wee canary.
The wee canary flew awa’
Auntie Mary caught it;
She caught it by the tail
An’ flung it in a pail,
Cheeky Auntie Mary.

My mother said that I must go,
Wi ma faither’s denner-o;
Chappit tatties, beef and steak,
Twa reed herrin an’ a bawbee bake.

I went to the river an’ a couldn’t get across,
I paid ten pound for an auld dun horse.
I jumped on his back an’ his banes gied a crack,
An’ I had tae play the fiddle till the boat came back.

Come up an’ see my garret,
Come up an’ see my garret,
Come up an’ see my garret,
It’s a’ furnished noo.

A broken cup an’ saucer,
A chair wi’oot a leg,
A humphy-backit dresser
And an auld iron bed.

Eh’ll tell the boaby,
Eh’ll tell the boaby,
Eh’ll tell the boaby,
If ye lay a hand on me!

Eh’ll tell the boaby,
Eh’ll tell the boaby,
Eh’ll tell the boaby,
If ye lay a hand on me!

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