Monthly Archives: August 2020

Week Beginning 24.08.20.

This week in Numeracy we have been learning about number patterns. In Outdoor Learning we made number patterns and then we swapped with a partner to see if they could work out the rule.     In Literacy we wrote an acrostic poem. In IDL we used the internet to research ocean biodiversity. We also learned about ocean food chains and created our own ones. In RE we learned about The Holy Trinity. In PE we practised some football skills. In Digital Technologies we learned how to use power point. In Health we continued to look at feelings and how to tell how someone is feeling by looking at their facial expression.    

Week Beginning 17.08.20.

This week in Numeracy we have been learning to read and write numbers to 1 000 000. We also did some Mental Maths outside with our times tables and division. In Literacy we have been answering questions about the letter Dear Grandpa. We have also been learning about modal verbs. We also learned about features of Acrostic poems. In RE we listened to The Creation story and we made posters to show how we care for animals. In our Ocean IDL we marked the oceans and seas on a map of the world. In Health we have been learning to tell how people are feeling by looking at their facial expressions. In French we learned about numbers to 1000. In Digital Technologies we used the internet to find websites, try out power point and play Numeracy and Maths games.